I have to say I am in one of the most beautiful places on earth… Quebec City. It's so romantic. I remember a few years ago watching the ice skaters out side my room holding hands and embracing on the ice… and it was then that I fell in love with this city. Its in my top 3 favorite cities in the world. I am so blessed to be back and grateful for being able to visit this incredible place again. The connections that I make are amazing no matter where you are in the world. Even though I speak very little french, and thanks to Marie (my translator) we are able to get the messages of love and comfort across to everyone.
It doesn't matter if the spirits are english speaking or not, I am still able to connect with them, and share the message. Last night we had a situation where so many people could connect with more than one message. It happens all the time. This is because the spirits are all communicating together to get as many messages out as possible. So more than one person can take a message. I love this, and it's important to know that it happens so that you can get your message.
It's the same in life. When you read something or hear about something that resonates with you, it's a message for you, to sit up and listen. People have said that my blogs have helped them because they have seen the signs for themselves in my blogs to help them with their life.
For me that means I am doing my job. Of course I have my moment of weakness… jeez, I'm the first to admit that I do… in fact I had a very big moment yesterday, but it's ok… we all have those moments… But you have to remember to stay strong. Veronica (my alter ego who likes to tell me how to feel and wind me up) started to talk and I started to listen to her… finally I had to say… 'Go Away!!!' and she went. But it set me off on a path where I started to think and have a big moment of weakness… thankfully I didn't act upon Veronica's words as I know that that would have hurt me again and it's not what I needed right now.
Funny how our own mind can set us off. It took me a while to shake it off… but the show and then sitting with the team of people who are traveling with me afterwards helped… just to take my mind away from Veronica.
We all have a Veronica… it's that little voice that comes forward and winds us up. So I have had to keep Veronica in check, and I did last night… Finally I said, I wanna dance! So off we went to dance… and did I dance! I loved it. Everyone was drinking, and they kept asking me… I kept shaking my head and just carried on dancing… blowing away the cobwebs… It felt good just to be free. Not caring about the music, the people, just me on the dance floor dancing away! It was great. David my tour manager was making sure that I was ok… while still having a good time himself. When you are on the road, your team are your family, and I am blessed to have them with me and I trust them.
Sometimes we need to have moments where we blow the cobwebs from us, we shake it all off and we are able to let go and have fun. I know I can be far too serious, my friend said to me recently as she was rolling around on the floor playing Nerf guns with Charlie that I should come and join them… (BTW I hate guns and that is the only reason why I didn't)… that I was too serious and I needed to find the fun in me… and I did. We had a lot of fun with Charlie and I had a lot of fun dancing last night. I didn't speak to anyone, I just lost myself in the music… ahhhhh… heaven!
So no matter what, you have to do something that is good for you, take sometime to relax, take sometimes to let your hair down, and have some fun. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it makes you happy. it could be exercise, it could be music, it could be dancing, it could be cooking or it could be doing something creative… as long and you find that out let for you to get away from things and lose yourself for a little while, you will find that you become you again and you feel free and happy. I know I did last night.
I went to bed exhausted from the day and the dancing, and woke up all fresh and ready for a great show tonight. So I am sitting here, watching the Steelers Game enjoying myself and writing my blog… I'm filling my soul with things I want to do, before a show.
So with that I will bid you farewell coz I've got messages that are coming through for the audience and it's less than an hour before show time!
Have a lovely week, and I'll be in Montreal next week!!! Whoohoo!!!
Lisa xx