Spiritual Healing

Lisa Williams is a certified Reiki Healer and Crystal Healer and can provide personal treatments for everyone.

Lisa will work with your major energy points throughout your body and aid relaxation or the healing process. Lisa has had amazing results with clients who have used Lisa's healing gifts to compliment traditional medical practices.

**Please note: Lisa offers a healing hour once a week where she will meditate upon all those who wish to have distant healing. Please enter your information below to be placed on the list for Lisa's Healing Hour and click SUBMIT.**

You will be then placed on Lisa's weekly distant healing list. This is a FREE service that Lisa offers.
Please note that healing is not a substitute for advice from the medical profession. Lisa advises that you get a diagnosis from your medical practitioner. This healing will work along side any medication you have been advised to take.

  • Your Name *
  • Email *
  • Name of the person that needs healing *
  • Reason for healing *