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40 acts of Kindness

Over my travels I have met some extraordinary people who have touched my heart in massive ways.  Last year I went on the South Pacific Cruise with even more amazing people and I met two who just resonated with me. Sally and Nicola.  We were like long lost sisters that had reconnected. 

We discovered over a few drinks that we were all turning 40 this year. 

I was forunate enough to spend my 40th with both of these incredible women in Adelaide.  Then later in August Nicola turned 40 and both Sally and I were blessed to spend her special day with her in Melbourne.  Now it's Sally's turn. 

Tuesday 5th November is Sally's 40th and she and Nicola have come to LA to spend her birthday with me.  It's amazing when you just think about it.  We are all from different part of the world yet have spent our 40th birthdays together. 

Nicola for her birthday did an amazing thing, and did 40 acts of kindness, giving 40 items to strangers just to put a smile on their face.  So we decided we should do it together in LA for Sallys birthday... 

And those 40 acts of kindness starts NOW. 

Nicola is sitting on my bedroom floor surrounded by koala's, kanagroos and Tim Tams, I am here with my organizational list of what we need, where we are going and who we are going to give our items too. And Sally... well, Sally is pouring the Champagne! 

Watch out for the random acts of kindness as we will post them on facebook and twitter as we do them.  

You can also check out Nicolas blog at as she continues to keep the smiles and kindness going on the East Coast. 

So happy you can join us on this journey! 

With love and blessings

Lisa, Nicola and Sally xxx

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Reader Comments (16)

I absolutly love this idea! I actually have done a few "giving" acts in the last month. I love giving and that is what life is about! Have fun tonight ladies & give give give and soak up the smiles you receive! Xxx!

November 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAshley Gore

How beautiful and what fun! I am so happy for you girls, this sounds like a blast.
Love and hugs,

November 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHeike

Beautiful! More people need to start doing the same thing! Random acys of kindness are what keeps some going!

November 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDeanna Paolasso

What a wonderfully Beautiful idea. I love the Paying Forward approach. We are all here to share in the Love of Divine Light and there is always enough to share around. Much Blessings and Happy 40th Ladies <3

November 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSamantha Moxon

This is a wonderful thing you are all doing...if we all can do this, imagine what a wonderful world this would be.

November 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLinda

How wonderful! What a tremendous thing to do for others.
How Lovely to spend your 40th Birthdays together also, that really is special and a rare experience I am sure. Sounds so awesome!!
Happy 40th to you all, it is a strange age to turn, 41 this year myself, getting older but not really feeling it, becoming so much more aware and a bit wiser but still so young at heart :)
Love, Light and Many Blessings Ladies
Live and Love <3 xoxoxo

November 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKaren Tiller

I love this idea! Funny thing is I didn't realize until I saw Lisa's posts that I had started doing this last Thursday, however, not as creatively as you ladies. It all started with a homeless family by the grocery store whom I later was told was a scam, but I didn't care, I gave because my heart compelled me to do so. I was in the middle of a move so my couches went to a family upstairs and my dining table went to another family. Then there was a small bear to a little one, some laundry soap for the neighbor, a 1939 Betty Boop poster to my precious cousin who has a rare disease but shines with beautiful light like nothing is wrong, and a speaker sound bar to a family member. It's made me feel really good inside . If it's alright, I'd like to do this quietly along with you, only I'll have an extra 12 days. Lol. Happy 40th Birthday to the power of 3 great friends!!

November 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEileenE411

Today I stopped to have a quick lunch. There was a lady who came in looking homeless and I watched as she bought some chips, took garnish items from the food bar and filed a cup with water. This was her meal. I thought again about your random acts of kindness and went to her table where I handed her money and said perhaps you'd like taco or something else? I went back to my chair, finished my lunch, and watched her go to the counter and get herself a healthy sized burrito. As I left I passed her table and said I'm happy you got more to eat, god bless you. She said thank you and I smiled back at her. It felt so incredibly good. I pray she continues to receive unconditional love & help.

November 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterEileenE411

Hi Lisa,
How lovely that you found people you resonate with so much! It is a rare thing, and a blessing. We should all be so lucky!
Hugs and Love,

November 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl Petrovich

Lisa and friends,

What a beautiful way to spend a birthday by sharing and giving to others as it ripples outwards and reaches far beyond what the eye can see., touching many hearts a long the way.

Thank you for sharing this! It truly is a beautiful way to share a birthday and I am sure we will be hearing about others doing more random acts of kindness.

Blessings to all of you and Happy 40th!

Love and Light,


November 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterCarole Grace

Lovely idea, great gestures, we should all follow your lead!

November 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda Ell

Hello! With Your permission I would love it if I could do the principle "random acts of kindness" on my Facebook page, or even random thoughts of gratefullness. Today I have had this sweet murmur deep inside and felt anticipation for something I yet know nothing about. If it turns out not to be something great, well I`ve still have had the pleasure of the feeling! Thank you for being who you are! Best wishes and blessings form Anne-Bente, Norway

November 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnne-Bente

i think i might be seeing people from past lives,with aheavy dose of psychic reaction, for example-i saw aperson across avery ncrowded street thru vision like areversed telescope .that delinatede her from the crowd,with nashock to my insides or soul. another person i met my vision was like a stop camera, with strong internal psychic blows. needless to say i immediatly ran from the situatuons. there are more occasions,all with psychic overtones

December 15, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterdan baker

great idea i realy like your post keep blogging :)

March 8, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAdam


I recently came across your page.

I have created a website that strongly encourages people to give to others. The concept works by having each member send a gift and receive a gift as well - secretly. I would love if you checked out our website at and possibly even shared it with your members. Our members have thoroughly enjoyed the process thus far and you can check out their stories on our website.

This would be a great opportunity to increase the giving nature of people and random acts of kindness. Please reach out with any additional questions.

Erik Katzen
The GiftWrapper Team

March 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGiftWrapper

Hi Lisa. As a published paranormal Kindle book author on Amazon, and as somebody who has always had an interest in the paranormal, I just want to say how much I admire your work and like your website. Well done. Hope to see you on TV again very soon.

July 9, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAlan Toner

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