The Fun Stuff > Things that you want to know about Lisa > What goes on behind closed doors before a platform reading? Does it depend on your mood or the spirits? Does the funny silly side of Lisa come out whole meditating or is it the more serious side?
Hahaha... yes there is a silly side to Lisa. I get to the venue early and I dance around and have fun on stage during the sound check. Its fun because you can really play around. And then in the dressing room the music is on, and I sing and put my makeup on and just relax.
Then the serious stuff starts. As soon as I am done with the meet and greet, the serious Medium hat comes out and I lock away the world and focus. I connect with the spirit world and get messages. I love it.
Then I have to sing 3 songs as I change, and I sing these at the top of my voice. I sometimes worry that my microphone is on and that everyone is hearing me on stage... haha
After that the tour manager comes to get me and I stand on the side of the stage, open my heart chakra and ask for the spirits to come and connect with me and I say a prayer... and then...
Last updated on July 20, 2012 by Lisa Williams