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Soul detox

Ive been on the cruise for the last 5 days and it's been an interesting twist of events since I arrived in Australia.  So many signs and things that have shown me that I am on the right pathway.  from the rainbow over the sydney opera house, to the text messages about hummingbirds from friends… it's really been quite eye opening.  It was emotional leaving LA, for many reasons… expectations, hope, wants and desires… but actually I had to let go of expectations because it's our expectations that disappoint us, so letting go of that was the process of cleansing and I decided that I was going to do a cleanse. 

This was a soul cleanse, of things that didn't serve me.  So I am working through my friends Soul Coaching it's a 28 day program and as I am doing this daily I am opening up starting to see patterns that need to be changed, lessons that have been learnt and growing from them.  Detaching away.  Being on the cruise has forced the detachment and it's taken up to now for me to get an internet package and that is only because I need to be in touch with my students and get their homework ready for the practical workshop next week. 

It's been challenging to say the least, but then the more I have done it the better I have gotten, and I found that encouraging.  I have been working out daily and while I was on the elliptical yesterday I had this epiphany, and it was something that some of the people on the cruise had said to me the night before… and it inspired me to write… and so the third and fourth book is in progress and also the 5th too… And the funny thing is, is that time is not a factor, it's going to be simple because the words have already been given to me. 

What Happened is when I stopped and I allowed myself to detox my mind and my soul, I had space.  Space for things that I needed… not things that I do not need any more, and then the signs… Oh the signs!

One of the signs came today… it hit me right between the eyes.  There I am watching the game in the sports bar grading my students homework and I read something that one of them had written about her husband.  Her husband had sent her a card and gifts and in the card it stated how he appreciated her and how proud he is of her for doing the course and doing what she wanted to do rather than what others wanted to do… It was beautiful to read.  I sat there with tears in my eyes just feeling the love that was coming through.  For me words are incredible and they mean so much to me, so to read that was beautiful, knowing that she was appreciated… and it was another sign for me to say… "Lisa, you are doing the right thing…" There have been times I've felt extremely guilty for surrendering to serve spirit and doing what I am called to do but there have been times in my life where I have done what others have wanted me to do, but as I teach my students, you have to be dedicated… and so that is what I am… I always have been dedicated to my work but I feel like I have found my pathway back. 

The signs just haven't stopped… and they keep coming and coming… and now I know it's a release of old energy, not necessarily negative but old, and it's time to embrace the new.  

So you can detox your mind, your body and your soul in so many ways.  Sit in silence, allow yourself to slow down, you don't have to stop… I haven't but I slowed down, and it's given me so much clarity… I didn't want to slow down before because I was afraid I wouldn't like what I saw when I did… reality is, is that I didn't… I didn't want to accept things, but I had too… and slowing down, taking time for me, no one else, has helped me come to terms with so much.  Nothing has been negative, even the things I have had to deal with, because all I have done is showered love onto the situation or circumstance, what ever has come up and I have let it go with love… knowing that love can heal it.  You can't control the situation you can just love it!

So when you are faced with things, sometimes you need to slow down, take a moment and surrender and release.  Allow yourself to have no expectations, and know that you can't control the outcome, because it's already mapped out for us and it's planned… so we just have to allow everything to happen… and trust that it's all going to be okay! 

Sending everyone love from the open seas of the South Pacific!

Lisa xx

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Reader Comments (1)

Thank you for these words, Lisa. I am very much like you, and words also affect me deeply. These are words that I needed to read/see/feel/hear/know today.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

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