Doing something for you.
I have to say I am in one of the most beautiful places on earth… Quebec City. It's so romantic. I remember a few years ago watching the ice skaters out side my room holding hands and embracing on the ice… and it was then that I fell in love with this city. Its in my top 3 favorite cities in the world. I am so blessed to be back and grateful for being able to visit this incredible place again. The connections that I make are amazing no matter where you are in the world. Even though I speak very little french, and thanks to Marie (my translator) we are able to get the messages of love and comfort across to everyone.
It doesn't matter if the spirits are english speaking or not, I am still able to connect with them, and share the message. Last night we had a situation where so many people could connect with more than one message. It happens all the time. This is because the spirits are all communicating together to get as many messages out as possible. So more than one person can take a message. I love this, and it's important to know that it happens so that you can get your message.
It's the same in life. When you read something or hear about something that resonates with you, it's a message for you, to sit up and listen. People have said that my blogs have helped them because they have seen the signs for themselves in my blogs to help them with their life.
For me that means I am doing my job. Of course I have my moment of weakness… jeez, I'm the first to admit that I do… in fact I had a very big moment yesterday, but it's ok… we all have those moments… But you have to remember to stay strong. Veronica (my alter ego who likes to tell me how to feel and wind me up) started to talk and I started to listen to her… finally I had to say… 'Go Away!!!' and she went. But it set me off on a path where I started to think and have a big moment of weakness… thankfully I didn't act upon Veronica's words as I know that that would have hurt me again and it's not what I needed right now.
Funny how our own mind can set us off. It took me a while to shake it off… but the show and then sitting with the team of people who are traveling with me afterwards helped… just to take my mind away from Veronica.
We all have a Veronica… it's that little voice that comes forward and winds us up. So I have had to keep Veronica in check, and I did last night… Finally I said, I wanna dance! So off we went to dance… and did I dance! I loved it. Everyone was drinking, and they kept asking me… I kept shaking my head and just carried on dancing… blowing away the cobwebs… It felt good just to be free. Not caring about the music, the people, just me on the dance floor dancing away! It was great. David my tour manager was making sure that I was ok… while still having a good time himself. When you are on the road, your team are your family, and I am blessed to have them with me and I trust them.
Sometimes we need to have moments where we blow the cobwebs from us, we shake it all off and we are able to let go and have fun. I know I can be far too serious, my friend said to me recently as she was rolling around on the floor playing Nerf guns with Charlie that I should come and join them… (BTW I hate guns and that is the only reason why I didn't)… that I was too serious and I needed to find the fun in me… and I did. We had a lot of fun with Charlie and I had a lot of fun dancing last night. I didn't speak to anyone, I just lost myself in the music… ahhhhh… heaven!
So no matter what, you have to do something that is good for you, take sometime to relax, take sometimes to let your hair down, and have some fun. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it makes you happy. it could be exercise, it could be music, it could be dancing, it could be cooking or it could be doing something creative… as long and you find that out let for you to get away from things and lose yourself for a little while, you will find that you become you again and you feel free and happy. I know I did last night.
I went to bed exhausted from the day and the dancing, and woke up all fresh and ready for a great show tonight. So I am sitting here, watching the Steelers Game enjoying myself and writing my blog… I'm filling my soul with things I want to do, before a show.
So with that I will bid you farewell coz I've got messages that are coming through for the audience and it's less than an hour before show time!
Have a lovely week, and I'll be in Montreal next week!!! Whoohoo!!!
Lisa xx
Reader Comments (27)
I am glad you are doing something for yourself and clearing the cobwebs .. nothing like it ?! I have been with you on your journey, for so many years now, as have so many others and I will be forever grateful !!! We may all now be on different paths but I will always consider you a 'friend' and 'family' and so will always care and think about you even if the " Hi, how are you going 's " are few and far between these days. Love you always, take care and enjoy life ?! Love to Charlie too and hope to catch up one day for a hug ... Sharon <3 xoxo
I am so glad that you did something truly for yourself last night. You don't do that enough!! Good luck on your show tonight!!
God bless!!
Love Cheryl! <3 xo
I just found your blog and look forward to more words of wisdom. We all need to unwind and I am glad you can share with the rest of us what works for you, Lisa. Have a great week and enjoy yourself. I bet the leaves are turning color already which is always awesome. Love and prayers, Irene P.
Laughter - Love - Luck to you Lisa xxx
bonjour lisa je vien aussi de connaitre votre blog et j en suis tres heureuse, et j ai tres hate au 19 sept pour vous voir en spectacle car j ai la chance d y aller .
Have good show and time with us :)
u giving much, u need much!
I used to fear guns till my job required I have one and then learning the proper way to use and store one wich is alot diffrent than just having one for fun .Now the dancing part I totally get that moment when everything else dissapears but a beat my style is hip hop so I would dance till I couldnt dreayh then I had to stop only for water and round 2 .Love your life and live it !
Hello Lisa... My name is Karina, I was in the show of the Capitole of Quebec yesterday...
And seriously you m 'as to fill with wonder! I really do not speak English... so... I am going to try of
write so that you understands me. Yesterday, you spoke at the very beginning about your show... when they take
photographs and that there are circles in the photograph of big as babies... you came to search me...
because me even taken by photographs and view cest circles but, I thinking that it was that some dust I
is not to turn attention.... You said that it was minds then I am in order awaken and I to re-think has this
photograph is what you allows me to send you this photograph?
I know what it's like to be hurting but at the same time trying to be strong, trying to heal and trying to move on. I'm so good at it, until I pause and allow the pain and doubt to seep back in. If I allow that that little voice to get to I'm emotional, weak, feeling stuck..and back in the hurtful mix that Ive been trying to escape from. That little voice winds me up, makes me forget what I need to be doing and sometimes forces me to regret my actions later on. It's especially difficult at night, if I allow her in, I can't stop thinking ..and then I can't sleep. I totally get you and can relate as I have been having similar challenges this year. I'm glad that you were able to get lost in the music and do what felt good for you. Music can be so healing at times. You are a sensitive loving person who feels things deeper than others. You will heal in time and as you do, you will make way for the person that is really supposed to love you. Take care of yourself Lisa, I'm looking forward to seeing you in Tampa. xxx Summerland Soul
I know what it's like to be hurting but at the same time trying to be strong, trying to heal and trying to move on. I'm so good at it, until I pause and allow the pain and doubt to seep back in. If I allow that that little voice to get to I'm emotional, weak, feeling stuck..and back in the hurtful mix that Ive been trying to escape from. That little voice winds me up, makes me forget what I need to be doing and sometimes forces me to regret my actions later on. It's especially difficult at night, if I allow her in, I can't stop thinking ..and then I can't sleep. I totally get you and can relate as I have been having similar challenges this year. I'm glad that you were able to get lost in the music and do what felt good for you. Music can be so healing at times. You are a sensitive loving person who feels things deeper than others. You will heal in time and as you do, you will make way for the person that is really supposed to love you. Take care of yourself Lisa, I'm looking forward to seeing you in Tampa. xxx Summerland Soul
Hi Lisa! It's the "so nice girl" from your three last shows! ahah! Thanks for the nice pictures by the wary! I'd like to tell you... Something strange happens yersterday after seeing you and your show in Québec. My mother and I were at the hotel and at one time, one of us said: My heart can't stop beating. We started to share and find that we had together a feeling like our heart were about to explose (explode?). It was like after having the biggest exercise ever... But we were lying in bed. And we both felt weak with our body shaking. Do you think i'ts the emotion? Do you see that sometimes? It took me 2 hours before sleeping, and my heart did not stop 'til the morning... It was my fourth show of you, and it had never happens before... And two people at the same time?
Strangeeeeeeeeee..... And I'm sorry if it's the wrong place to write to you but I was kind of lost in the forums!!! ;)
Marie-Line xx
Hi Lisa,
It is good to let your hair down now and again, I am so glad you had a great time dancing the night away. I am at my happiest when I am listening to my music, my mum was the same and boy did she like to dance, we could never get her off the floor at a party. When I read how happy you were dancing it made me think of her. I have so much going through my head at times, I can sometimes sit all day thinking of the past, I would have to put the tv on and go to the radio stations, listening to music lifted my mood right away. Good luck with the rest of your tour Lisa, Canada is a place I have wanted to visit since my teens, I am 57 now and still not got there, maybe one day. Stay happy, and keep dancing. Love Jem xxx
Hi Lisa,
I am so glad you're enjoying your stay in *La Belle Province* despite your Veronica's moments, she should have stayed in California :). I am so looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday night.
'till then
I Lisa , I went to your show in Quebec City and you were wonderful. I hoped that I would be choosed by the spirit but I din't. It as been a double murder in my family in 1990 and i would be pleased to have some news about it. my sister in law and my nepfew as been killed by knife ans struggled. they arrested my brother and sentence him for 25 years. Her name was Carol and he was Alexandre. We're sure it wasn't him . could you help me out with that, please!!!!.....
thank you so much Lisa. We love you all and sand you our best. bye bye.
yeah !!! Lisa, that's make me so much smiling ! yes sometimes say no, and take your time of course ! nice results !
i'm sure that Quebec is a lovely place ! like Montreal, and people speak french lol
it's strange because a clearvoyant 'medium' in france said to me that's i will be in canada for live not USA... but honestly i'm afraid about the climate...i prefer sun and palms. So people in this area are fun generally.
this is true that Artist and Medium are sade sometimes, because there creative.. like moon and sun. it's a balance finally.
It's good to have friends who are there for you, when you need them; who they support you. I needed your words. Thank You for your friendship. Thank You that You are :)
Lisa glad to read you're dancing! You're such a beautiful person with so much heart and feelings for others, you keep on dancing girl, love & hugs to you and Charlie! xx
dear lisa i have been reading your blogs for a long time now and have felt your sadness and got to know how open you have been bless you for that you have been through so much but now have come so far you are proof that no matter how things get you down given time and help from close friends you can feel and find happiness again and you are on that road i love to dance and sing out loud when i am feeling down which has been quite often i wish i could have been on the same dance floor with you i too would have dance the night away so keep on dancing you disco diva lol who knows next could be seeing you on stricly come dancing uk what fun that would be so keep on dancing love love joanne xxxxx
Lisa, today I heard this...I don't know from who...Maybe from My Soul...
It's not about us, it's all about me and my life...There is my voice today (4.00-4.31). But now it's ok. I do something only for me now...Thanks a lot...Hugs :)
Hello Lisa, i was at your show in Québec city. I think my friend Michel tried to reach out to me by you that night... I just was paralised. You said he died in a moto accident, wich is not how he died. I should not have stop myself from raising my hand for such a detail. It is all my mistake.
I appreciated your show. You are so funny and generous. Tanks for everything.
I love that you loved my city.
Fannie xxx
Hi Lisa, I went to your show yesterday and I was the 1st one to be called.
Thank you so much to make me share those special moments with my son,
he passed at 7years old from cancer. Now I do understand about the special birthday
he was talking about, it was probably not HIS birthday but is brother Christopher's birthday
that was on Sept 7th, he was very close to him. Thank you so much for those special moments.
Yesterday I want to ask you a question but was afraid to look like a fool. Can you tell me
if animals (cats) can see spirits? Often in my house it look like some one is chasing them.
And 1 of them every time she climb on me she always look over my shoulder but there is nothing
there on the wall to look at. So I was wondering if they see spirits.
Thank you so much for that wonderfull present
Sylvie XXXXX
I assisted to your show september 18th at montreal but i was disapointed because you are speaking at 6 person only after the show i would like speak whit you but you left us to soon !!!!!! The course is to expensive i dont have money its to bad for me :(((
I assisted to your show september 18th at montreal but i was disapointed because you are speaking at 6 person only after the show i would like speak whit you but you left us to soon !!!!!! The course is to expensive i dont have money its to bad for me :(((
Hi Lisa,
Glad to hear you are doing something for yourself! We need to relax and let loose once and a while and have fun! I attended the Sept. 18th event with my husband and a few friends (I'm the one that had an Angel feather taped in the cover of your book - not sure if it was an Angel feather or not - you did confirm that it was) - just want to say thanks once again. You are truly a special person with a very big heart that does so much for everyone! The evening was absolutly fabulous. I can't wait until Saturday for the workshop. As for your team - you are absolutly right - THEY are wonderful and very nice!
Just want to reply if I may to Sylvie (Lady asking about if animals can see Spirit) - yes I really think they can. And Lisa was telling you, as she was doing your readling that your son is home with you - I truly believe your animals can see him :-) Just to add, your son really touched us all :-)
Have a great day! Thanks Lisa! Thanks to Lisa's team!
Bigs hugs to all!
P.S. I too love Québec City - Old Québec. It's what I call my magical part of the world. We were there for a week this summer for our holidays. We try to get up there at least once every year. We have a blast everytime were there!!
I love nothing more than hanging with my nephews aged 10 and 13. They are so grounding.I can express my inner checkyness and have so much fun with them !!! and they love dancing and so do I.