Day Eight and Nine
Well the last few days have been just general… getting up at 6.15am, walks, yoga, juices, soups, massages… normal day in here. But today we went on the island tour and rode elephants and saw the waterfalls and of course Big buddha and I will post photos soon.
However I have had a test of willpower, food… It was interesting how I coped and how strong you are if you are determined. So I was with a friend who's actually eating… and we were walking the market, and she got hungry… Of course, it happens to me. So we stopped in the food markets, and she got herself some veggie spring rolls… OMG the smell… yum, I only had to walk in there and it was sensory overload. Wow… all the smells of herbs and spices, the colors of the foods, everything was just amazing. I watched her eat, and even helped with the chilli sauce and got some on my finger, but I was not tempted to lick it off.
People were sitting there with beer and cocktails and then I saw the glass of red wine… OMG, I shocked myself. I didn't even want that. WOW I sat and delighted in the smell of the spring roll. Heaven. However the real test… Pancakes, banana and Nutella. That was something else. I love that combo… I was worried…
I had a smell and even then I wasn't even tempted. I have gone this far that I don't have to do it. I didn't want to break my detox, I would only be letting myself down and this is something that I can't do. I have worked so hard for it. So I have the determination. I am determined to finish this to the final day, and on Thursday night, I can eat. Yum yum.
So thats the delights, I haven't broken the detox, but I am a tasty treat for the mosquitos… 24 bits so far… haha
Ok the soup awaits me… yum!
3 more sleeps until I can eat…
Hugs all xx
Reader Comments (6)
Just caught up on your detox journey. Just gotta say WOW and well done chick! That's some amazing will power. I dunno if I could survive that, as I Love food way too much! Although, I don't doubt I could use a good detox. But on another note, I did push myself to do something I normally would never do. I completed a 5K Electric Run (it's cause was to support men's health this month) and actually survived! I know 5K is not that long, but I haven't worked out in ages and I'm definitely not a runner, and I had it set in my mind that I'd just walk it and be proud of myself for just finishing, but I actually kept a steady jog for almost the entire thing. I was quite proud of myself! lol It's a small feat compared to a detox journey, but at least I accomplished something for myself. :) Best of luck on the rest of your journey! I have no doubt that you'll be able to complete it w flying colors! Proud of you! xoxo P.S. Please say hi to CB for me. Miss him. :) xx
Mazel Tov Lisa!
I am so proud of you, and your jouney. I could literally smell the spring rolls as you were describing them. OMG. I have battled food my entire life. Sometimes it's my lover, sometimes it's my mother, sometimes it's just the shame I hide from and behind. As a diabetic this battle could cost me my life, if I let it. But,I'm not going to let it. I want to be a healer, like you, using the gifts I have been given.. In order to help others heal I need to heal myself first. I learned that from you on one of your radio shows. I want to make peace with food, and with myself. I know it will be a long hard fight but I am in it for the long haul. You give me hope and courage as you share your journey. I guess we are all teachers and students for/with each other. Sending you love and light and smiles your way. Deirdre
Good for you Hon! Isn't it amazing how when you break the cycle of it all, you no longer crave those things? I have had a similar thing in breaking from eating meats. None of it even remotely appeals any more. Well done, You, and thanks for sharing the story. It is inspiring many. <3 you.
Lisa, that is just awesome! I know that for me whenever Ive chosen food over feeling an emotion is when the trouble begins.....emotions are always under that which we crave.....but when we heal our spirit is when the need to gorge disappears. Its a lot of work but its sooooooo worth the love you give to yourself. Im super proud of you & send you beams of support in your journey! With light, Paige xx
Hi Lisa,
Wow Congratulations, you can do this! You can succeed! This is fabulous! Thanks again for sharing your journey with us. You are an insparation to us all. You are in our thoughts and hearts.
Big hugs
dear lisa williams, this is quiet a frightning thing for me to do. It is all so somthing that I find hard to believe in as of my up bring teachings and so many people that tell you un truths.I have all ways wondered if there is life after death? and have allways wondered if people are ok after they pass, I am also to scared to let people show them selves as it scares me so much, I just need to no if shirley robyn and kevin are ok, I want to believe kind regards tania, thanks for listnening anyway