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Happy New Year!

As the new year approaches it always we all start to think about how we want to change our lives and what we want to achieve and how good or bad the old year has been to us.  We all do it.  it's something that we do every year and many of us don't stick to it. 

We start for a week or two but then… bam we are back in old ways and patterns that don't serve us. 

So this year I decided to do things differently.  I was sitting on a bench over the holidays looking out at the ocean and was making a wish… now of course we can wish for all sorts of things.  But I wished for everything that doesn't serve me in my life to be taken away and to be left with things that serve me and others I love.  I know it may sound odd, but that way I was surrendering to what I needed to do for me and those who I love. 

It's amazing how the universe works because I was also given a very clear message that same day from Spirit telling me about a journey was starting and how it was going to and needed to be.  Little did I know it was going to be less than a week that I would be faced with that journey without any action of my own.  It happened and I had no control.  

WOW… whether I wanted it or not the journey presented itself.  

So here is what I am saying, instead of making these resolutions that we may or may not keep, just allow your self to be guided.  Guided along on the pathway, because you have the power to be in control.  We have a life plan and we are going to complete it eventually, but does it have to be hard, arguing, creating drama and unnecessary heartache… no we don't.  If we have love in our hearts and treat everyone with respect and kindness and allow us to accept what pathway is given to us, then it can be easy.  

It's our ego that will resist. Just as mine did... I didn't want it to be this way... However, we want things to work out in a certain way, we want things to happen how we picture it, we may even want things to go back to how they were before… but sadly they don't.  The world continues to spin and change and we have to grow with it and change or we get stuck...  

Acceptance is tough sometimes, accepting what maybe… but you have to know that you chose this pathway before you came to this world.  You will be guided to situations that will give you the lessons to grow from.  They may be hard lessons but they are lessons all the same.  Your ego will resist them… but surrender and allow these lessons to make you in to a better person.  When you look back you will see. 

So as I look back on 2012, it's been a year of love, passion, happiness, sadness, heartache, laughter, joy and change… not all I wanted, but I had to accept, and I thank those who have been involved in my journey to help me be the person I am today. I love you with all my heart for making me who I am. But I am ultimately responsible for who I am right now.  If things are meant to be they will be.  Just remember that.  I have had strong visions of how my life will unfold, and messages of love and happiness… I hold on to those as I journey into the new year, with hope, faith and love. 

So as you journey into the new year, look back with fondness and love of the events that have gotten you to this place now and know that you will be presented with new opportunities and challenges that will allow you to grow and change.  Surrender to them!

Sending you love and hope that 2013 is as magical as you are! 

Lisa xx

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Reader Comments (22)


Thank you so much for sharing as that really resinated with me, surrendering is something that you have guided me to over the past few months and I am happy to say I have done just that, I have been letting go of the ego that has held me back. The journey is sometimes scary but know with the love and support I have from my children and partner as well as my new family (The Lisa Family) I can achieve anything and can't wait for what comes next... Lisa I thank you xoxo

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrk Coleman

Lisa, you are so right. I'm in Sydney (nursing a hangover right now) and I too made an emotional promise to myself in the wee hours of this morning that I will allow those to guide me, to show me the way. I always keep to my New Years resolutions. This years one is to embark on a spiritual journey that I will become a better person with the help of those 3ft away at a 20 degree angle. :)
I wish you all the best for 2013. You have touched the lives of so many thousands of people which is truly remarkable. You also need to have time for you. I wish you much love, health and above all happiness. xx

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChristine S

Thankyou Lisa and to Spirit.... your profound words of truth and wisdom echoed with clear resonation in my heart and soul today. I can feel the love, joy and magic from your heart centre expand and fill the universe with it's beautiful radiance xoxoxo

December 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda Morrison

I just wanted to say that I loved this post.

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSigrid

Lisa,wish you a very happy new year.Thank you for your words that touch me in a special way this morning.Here I was sitting at my computer and decided to check what words of wisdom you had for me today.Because when ever I check out your blog you always reflect on something that I have on my mind.So today is no exception. As I was reflecting on 2012,I had trouble thinking of the good times because a good part of that year was spent in the hospital,at my youngest son's bedside,in a coma.I had time to reflect and I looked for the messages and the signs,to help me go on.It also made me realize that this is my path and I will come through it with my spiritual help and my family.I ,also decided, to ask for guidance in what was coming to me.And this morning as I look outside,at the sunshine,I wished all my loved ones,my guide,a happy new year and wished that all the negatives things in my life be taken away.For the first time in my life,I was surrendering and was sending to the universe, that I was ready to receive it's messages for the things that will serve me and my loved ones.And what is it you talked about today in your post ?about surrendering to the universe and accept the messages that you will received that they are the best ones for you.So,today,Jan.1st,I do the same and wish that all the things and persons that do not serve me best be taken away to leave place for the things that will serve me. So,my dear Lisa, I wish you a very happy new year.May all the best come to you and your family.xxoo

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDiane L.

Sending you much love, Lisa, and much positive energy and focus for your goals. Never forget that you are a Panda! May you sail easily over the bumps in the road, have clarity of vision over who and what to discard and include, and always remember how special you are, and how much the world needs you. Thank you for all you have given me. I treasure you. Here's to a gloriously happy and prosperous 2013.

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDeb Morse

Hi Lisa,
Your words always inspire me, and the synergy could not be stronger, many of your words were feelings I was contemplating on earilier upon waking.

Lisa, I have always felt that I feel like a grain of sand, amongst many, on a path where you walk, fortunate for me your Light reflets in my soul. I love you very much.
My gratitude for all that you inspired and opened me up to in Spirit.

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTerry Truono

As always your blog touches so many of its readers, I am not an exception! I too do not make resolutions, I just put it out to the universe to guide me in the right direction and kick me in the arse if I do not follow the guidance given LOL. Many blessings to you and Charlie and may 2013 be one of fulfilled love and loving dedication to you and your family - extended or otherwise. We are truly blessed to have you share your life with us and to allow us into your world through your words and amazing gift of spirit. MWAH xxxx

January 1, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGina B

Happy New Year Lisa!
With love in our hearts and respect for ourselves and others--the MAGICAL journey continues!!
<3 Love you

January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterHeike

Hey there Girl,

Wishing you, Charlie, and your family a Peaceful , Healthy, and Happy New Year filled with lots of love!!! Many new changes will be happening this year, I feel it for many of us. You particularly will be on a new path as I mentioned in an earlier one of your blogs... so remember to flow with it and let it happen. Something totally new and unexpected will emerge and you will be left scratching your head if not already. Not sure why I am saying this with such certainty... but that is what I feel. I have been in this really strange cycle of self-examination and feel SO clear about certain things. I am more honest with even myself about my likes and dislikes... we have to fully accept who we are and own it. It is about clearing the clutter in our minds in order to make room for the new light that will no doubt shine in. Like a house, we have many windows in our mind. However, if you forget to clean some of those windows, you begin to lose perspective because you have a limited vision. We all have to find a way to remove that dirt off our windows. For me, it has been about taking a long, long rest away from any sort of romantic involvement with women. I mean I have taken quite a vacation after years and years of being with one partner after another partner. After many back to back relationships with dating like crazy in between, I have just stopped for a couple of years... just completely restrained myself from any romantic entanglements... not even a date. WOW... it was just as bad as when I gave up coffee and chocolate... actually even worse. However, I finally am able to feel the way I feel without the pressure, without expectations, without heartache, without the ups and downs... You totally learn to love others in a new way and in some cases you love them deeper with a strong sense of self. I never thought that I could love another woman with all my heart and not be intimate with her until it happened. What an eye-opener this was for me personally. I am still learning and experiencing all kinds of weirdness and there is a little bit of suffering too, but I know that this time alone is necessary for my higher purpose as it was shown to me a couple of years ago. In a way, I was getting tired of being a slave to my feelings, emotions, and mainly tired sacrificing who I truly am in this life. What I try hard to continually remind myself of is that we are truly beautiful Spirits living in a physical existence for the purposes of learning. OH and the learning is endless eh? Not quite sure why I picked today to write a blog within your blog, but take it as you will. :)

Sending you Giant Hugs from the East Coast!!!


January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDreamSpirit

Hi Lisa. I don't expect you to remember me, but I brief friendship back in 2001 is often memories I look back on with great fondness. I loved being around you and Charlie and you may not know but when you first hinted at your amazing gift to me that late night on the phone in July 2001 when you have me vital message from my father who passed away 2 months earlier. And then made sense of the spirits who were surrounding me in the flat above the chip shop I was running Tewkesbury.
I am so pleased that you are using your gift and so much acclaim world wide.
I saw one of your tv shows by accident about a year ago and was shocked but with pride and phoned my mum straight away and told her switch over.
I truly hope you read this comment personally and maybe email me. It would so wonderful to hear from you. You have been such an inspiration to so many. And I attempted an I chartered journey myself on the 9th December and had already planned that I would aim to Chanel into your gift to get a message to someone I love with all my heart, my wife, who I am sadly separated from.
Sadly I was discovered and spent three days in a coma in your old local hospital, The Alexander.
I sadly because of my failure. I truly did not expect or want to be discovered and even now don't want to be here but have now picked up the gauntlet to take on the fight of my life against a government body to prove my innocence and to get back family who mean so much to me but are equally the victims of a malicious conspirator who has made false allegations anonymously.
I had made a choice to end my pain but have now made a choice to fight the pain and win.
I would welcome some guidance from you.
I visited my grandparents and my dads resting places asking them to prepare for my arrival.
When I came out of my coma I remember talking to my grandmother at my bedside although I can't remember the conversation. If you know what her message would be I would dearly love to hear from you.
If and when you visit Redditch in the future I would to hook up for a curry again with you. Can you remember taking me to your local curry house in St George's?
Hope to hear from an old friend
Darren Leonard x

January 5, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDarren Leonard

Hello Lisa,
Hope this finds you happy and well on your way to a great New Year. 2012 was a challenging year indeed and I'm quite relieved to see it go. I do know that every experience, no matter how good or bad... is a an opportunity for personal growth. I think of you often as I have identified with your pain and struggles this past year.I smile when I think of you and how hard you have worked to love yourself and to stay true to yourself. I wish you much peace, joy ...and all the love that you can carry... . xox Mary

January 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMary


so i have just one question..do you know the violet flame from St Germain ascended master ? and what do you think about that ? really..what spirit world think about that, i hope to have an answer lol..

with love

Sly from Paris ;)

January 7, 2013 | Unregistered Commentersly

bonjour Lisa je viens du Québec et je te demande ou est Cedrika Provencher c'est une petite fille. Merci

January 10, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSylvie

Happy new year. im sorry maybe this is the wrong way but i lost my dad 21. desember. His name is Peder. I wonder if you have been in touch with him.

January 13, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterChristina Nilssen

Hello Lisa,
I'm sorry to bother you come with all these people and you beg suplient ... I'm in the south of France I am 55 today, it's been several posts that I let you! please answer me thank you! : I had a sad childhood I miss my dad and I keep doing my genealogy which makes it a little sad my children and my wife tell me your family is here! what are you looking for? my roots? my father died very young Jacques as my little brother Serge, like my grandfather Baptist, as my great-grandfather Agop murdered in Greece by a Turkish Islamist (already)? my mother still alive but very bad! ... this short life of death (and it sounds good to you) I do not interrested: too worried sentences ... I'm a huge problem and tired following: one to help us! then such a living death that we are all here and there I'm wearing my shroud until the
Great Puppeteer me cut the string that keeps me standing on these boards that serve this great scene in the theater where we all play a role more or less, until one day the same board cover us forever! Sad spectacle we offer! this mass moving stinking sticky sometimes comes and goes! Lisa? 'm going out of my worries? My dad, my brother, my two grandfathers are there? my mother will she finally become good! I looked on the internet for how to die without suffering not that I found in a pool of blood! ( ex.jean-jacques@neuf.fr )

January 18, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterex.jean-jacques@neuf.fr

I was medation. An my mother. Came to me can u tell me why as I don't like her as I don't like her I think she had done some thing to me some thing happened. To me. When I was born I have this feeling in my heart is break. I hate. Her I had to go to her funetal I didn't want to go I hate been here I hate life I never. Had I good life. Can't wait to be gone I am. So tied. Of living can't. Wait to die is my dad here an my sister. I jsd older. Sister. Who died before. I ear born is she me. Or has she been reborn. In me. I so tied of been here nothing ever God right for me. So tied. Tjanks

January 19, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterevelyn helen

Bonjour Lisa,
je suis désolé de vous déranger venir avec tous ces gens et vous prie suplient ... Je suis dans le sud de la France J'ai 55 ans aujourd'hui, il ya eu plusieurs messages que je vous laisse! s'il vous plaît répondez-moi de vous remercier! : J'ai eu une enfance triste, je m'ennuie de mon papa et je continue à faire ma généalogie qui le rend un peu triste mes enfants et ma femme me dire votre famille est là! qu'est-ce que vous cherchez? mes racines? mon père est mort très jeune Jacques comme mon petit frère Serge, comme mon grand-père Baptiste, comme mon grand-père Agop assassiné en Grèce par un islamiste turc (déjà)? ma mère toujours en vie mais très mauvais! ... cette courte vie de la mort (et il semble bon pour vous) Je n'ai pas interressé: phrases trop inquiets ... Je suis un énorme problème et fatigué suivant: personne pour nous aider! puis comme un mort-vivant que nous sommes tous ici et là que je porte mon linceul jusqu'à ce que le
Grand Marionnettiste me coupa la corde qui me tient debout sur ​​ces planches qui servent cette grande scène dans le théâtre où nous jouons tous un rôle plus ou moins , jusqu'à ce qu'un jour la même carte nous couvrir pour toujours! Triste spectacle que nous offrons! cette masse en mouvement collant puant vient parfois et s'en va! Lisa? «Sors de mes soucis? Mon père, mon frère, mes grands-pères deux sont là-bas? ma mère elle a fini par devenir bon! J'ai regardé sur internet pour savoir comment mourir sans souffrance n'est pas que j'ai trouvé dans une mare de sang! (Ex.jean-Jacques @ neuf.fr)
J'en ai assez de cette vie de mort !!! je crois que d'ici très peu de temps je vais passer de l'autre coté pour finir de souffrir et être en paix ! car ces histoires de morts qui viennent vous parler ! ? mais c'est faut ! lorsque l'on est mort , on est mort ! on devient pourriture , poussières , n'oublions pas que nous sommes fait à l'image de Dieu ! cela fait peur det drôle ! "on" se moque de nous ! voilà tout !

January 28, 2013 | Unregistered Commenterex.jean-jacques@neuf.fr

Dearest Lisa, I love your shows and also admire that you use your gift to help those who have lost love ones and are still grieving. I too have lost love ones and am at a loss where to go and what to do now. I know my mom would be jumping up and down at me but there you go lol....I just want to know how they are and if they are happy and IF she has a message for me, she knows what I want to hear lol...sometimes you don't always get what you want in this life and have to make the best of what we DO have, but it would be nice to know IF the path is there for me and what can I do to help myself see it. If you can help I would really appreciate it alot, I miss her very much she'll tell you what she thinks of that lol...thanks so much and just keep doing what you do hugs Alleen

January 29, 2013 | Unregistered Commenteralleen

Hi Lisa. For years now when I see a spiritualist or medium... Or even speak to some friends I can see them perfectly but they look small and far away... It interests me ..
For example I can go to a spiritualist church and as soon as I walk in the medium who is on looks small and far away, but then I can look at someone else and they look perfectly normal, then as soon as I look at the medium again this will continue... I love it when it happens and would like to know if you know anything about this... I would be greatful of any information you may have .. No one who I know understands what I mean... I can just sit and talk with a friend and it will happen too.. And speaking of loved ones that have passed over can trigger this, is would love to hear that someone understands what happens..
Pauline x

February 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPauline burton

Hi Lisa, You have changed My Life, I just want to say thank you, I found my spirit guide and my smile through your shows and your words of Wisdom you
lifted my life, I gave released my negative energy with your words of wisdom you inspire me my life for reaching out to others by communication with
people who are no longer with us, I am so great full for who you are and what you do to help others. Thank you Lisa, I hope, I can meet you in the near future?
Hope you get my email. Hope to here from you have a wonderful day and love your blogs to.

pacific standard time zone
Wenatchee Washington

February 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDanielle McCroskey

Hi Lisa
I don't know if you will remember me, I hope you do. We had many phone conversations before we actually met when I was temporarily running the chip chop in Tewkesbury for my ex girlfriend.
I did sen you a message on here back in January and having just found it and re reading it, I am not in the least bit surprised that you didn't respond to me. It was written at a time following a stroke I suffered back in November last year and a failed suicide attempt in December.

My life last year threw everything at me, from re-marrying the one true love of my life whom I have known since primary school, and who I love truly from the core of my being, but from whom I have been separated from since November last year after only 3 months of marriage.
I have gone from feeling the lowest I had ever felt I my entire life, and feeling utterly worthless as a person, because of an anonymous allegation made about me to social services. ( we foster two vulnerable children. The allegations were of a financial nature, and nothing to do with the children, and were also false and malicious). Nevertheless, they have had far reaching repercussions that have destroyed my family, my life and have had a tremendous and detrimental affect on my health.

Surviving my attempted suicide kind of woke me up from part of the nightmare I have been living and has made me fight for life, my wife and my family back. It is a fight I am still struggling with, and so much red tape to cut through, not to mention fighting a corrupt establishment.. The next round is an appeal through the IRM independent review mechanism, which is government linked, I think with the Secretary of State, rather than local county county, and his gives me some confidence that I will win eventually.

When I came out of a three day day coma on the HDU I Redditch I was in mid conversation with the two people at my bedside until I noticed the looks I was getting from the people opposite me. He people I had been talking to, my dad and my nan, were no longer there, and when I asked the one patients where they had gone, I realised that I had been spared for this fight and remembered that they had passed some time ago.

I truly do not know the lesson I am supposed to be learning from this period in my life when it is giving me such pain. I am still separated fro my family and have been excommunicated from them in the form of an unwarranted harassment order preventing any communications between us.

To date, my wife has been told that I have admitted to the allegations that were made, and has been lied to by social services. Even though I have proven my innocence with documentation, and proved the corruption within social services, I have still been terminated by the county as a carer, and with the harassment order which was advised by social services in place, I have been unable to discuss any kind of future with my wife. I have been presented to the fostering panel as a dishonest character and have copies of the reports which have largely been falsified to create this illusion. Unfortunately there is as could possibly be expected, a closing of ranks within Worcester County County. However, I the event that my appeal is unsuccessful, I have recruited our MP to my cause who will step I at the appropriate time once the correct procedures of complaint have been exhausted.

I have now, through a third party and long time mutual friend of ours, furnished my wife with copies of all documents , communications, and data proving to her that there is no truth or foundation to the allegations. I have not yet had any reaction but am hopeful that the evidence will prevail and that my appeal will be successful on 10th July. Ironically, this will be one day after our one year wedding anniversary..

I hope you remember me, and that you and Charlie Barly are happy and content as you appear to be. I was so awe struck when I stumble across your tv programme when channel surfing this time last year, and so proud at you have taken you gift to the next level.

It would be truly wonderful to hear fro you with a reply, but I know how terribly busy you must be.

I have such fond memories of the brief time we were friends.

All he very best to you, with my sincere love. Say a big high to Charlie too. He must be what 14 now? Where do the years go hey.

Your friend
Darren Leonard

May 6, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDarren Leonard

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