Send it out to the universe
I've pondered on this blog post for a while and over this last week when I have been sick I had a moment when I just completely surrendered into what will be will be… and so I decided that this was going to be my topic.
I feel like I talk about it all the time, but even though I may do, I feel that we all need a little reminder of it. I talked about it in my last blog but I cannot stress it enough, that when you just release it, your journey will take you where you need to go, and with who you need to go with.
When you create space, in your mind and your heart and you don't fill your day it's amazing what you can discover within you. It's something that I have done so I know it, and I see it when it happens to others. Wow… it's so powerful when you stop.
We can wind ourselves up so much over the silliest thing and it can all get blown out of proportion and twisted, but when we sit in the quiet space and really look at the reality of life and our feelings we start to see what has happened and we start to feel our feelings and realize it wasn't a big deal after all. I was only having this conversation with a friend of mine tonight about meditation… and how it can really help you. She said that meditation has gotten her through some tough times and I agree… it's what I turn too, when I am struggling. I turn to journalling and meditation because you really can find the peace within you.
I know I have these visions and I hear a few people (I think that may mean I'm a psychic medium haha) but you can't hold onto them… I mean, yes I do because I trust in them, but I don't force them to happen right away… I surrender and let it be. I remember my grandmother telling me that I would be in USA and be famous and on stage doing her work… OMG if I had forced that, where would I be now… no where… you have to let things happen organically. If it's meant to be it will be.
When I give people psychic readings (which I love btw) I know many people wait for it to happen or force it to be the situation there and then… but it's not always the case. Sometimes you have to let things develop at their own pace. For instance, I have always seen myself living in a certain place, and I can tell you exactly how it looks… now when I go house hunting, of course I see if I can find that house, but when I can't does that stop me moving… no… because I have to, but it just means that I am not at the place in that vision and I am working towards it.
Now when I say things and I know that they are happening right there and then, I will say it… in fact I just was on the phone with a friend of mine in India and when I was in Thailand I told her all sorts of stuff, I just blurbed it all out, she had her note book and wrote it all down… and it happened exactly how I told her it would and in the time frame I said it would… even I was shocked… I told her this stuff would happen the moment that she left the island… and the night that she left the island, it all happened… CRAZY!!! But what I am saying is that it was in her destiny, her pathway, and what was meant to happen.
When you surrender to what is meant to happen and not force it… amazing things transpire and happen… there is an awakening within you, like a comfort to know that you are on the right pathway and that you are doing things in the right way, for you… You see, life is about you!!! No one else. No one is living your life, only you. People say to me, can you tell me what to do… and I say no, I can't… because I don't live your life, you have to make choices… but I will tell you what those choices are and help you with them.
So remember life is about you. You have to live life your way and do what is right for you, and healthy for you. But i will say this… treat everyone in the way that you would want to be treated. Speak to everyone in the way that you would want to be spoken too. Think about your actions before you take action. Show respect for those who love you but don't demand it back. Because when you show it, you will get it. When you give something you get it back… You cannot rely on anyone else to make you happy, YOU make you happy. Of course there will be moments when you will be happy with others, but ultimately that happiness is in your hands.
So just surrender and know what will be will be… I listened to this song earlier which also inspired me too and I want to share it with you.
Sending you love and remember 'Send it out to the universe' What will be will be!
Love Lisa xx
Samantha James - Send it out to the universe
Reader Comments (22)
Lisa, you have written that blog at the right time. Everything you said is absolutely spot on. I recently surrended and i'm amazed as to how chilled out I am and how I know that what will be will be. I'm not forcing anything and some things are happening that I wasn't expecting, but it's all awesome. Thanks Lisa for your words!! :)
You are right Lisa. I will let my fears down and I will surrender, what will be will be!
Love this blog, Panda. So perfectly timed for me to read right now as well, so thank you for writing it and thank you for the synchronicity. One can't plant seeds and then keep lifting up the earth to see if they are sprouting, can one! Let it be. Amen. Om. It is all unfolding exactly as it should, and in keeping with the intention we put out there. Blessings and love to you.
As always, you said the right things at the right time..Thank you Lisa! Your inspiration is changing me day by day... I loved the music clip..Now this is weird..Is it just me or did I see on the clip the verandah of the building you did your readings from in your old TV shows?
Lots of Love
Hello Lisa!
I agree with what you typed in your blog.
I am struggling with being happy. Trying to look for work. Some of my relatives make me feel like crap and I don't wanna be near them.
Coming to this library in Burwood makes me feel safe.
Lisa, I guess it all comes down to one Trust that where you are, what you are doing and what is happening in your life is just how it should be. It is hard to accept that such heartache and misfortune could be part of our life plans. I really do try to embrace the pain in my life as I know that it is always an opportunity for growth and transformation. We need to trust that we are not alone on this journey and each step and mis-step leads us closer to who we are meant to be. Thank you always reminding of the important stuff! I'm thinking of you and sending you out much love and warm thoughts. Please let me know that you got them. :-) xox Mary
In every moment we can become the BEST of us!
Love you Lisa xoxo
Happy New Year!
I loved loved loved this Lisa, it was so wonderful i felt i was there in the song, and what magical places they were i would love to visit each
place,and what i also noticed that everyone was so happy even the animals. Love ya Lisa thanks for sharing, your friend connie.
Brilliant blog, Lisa!
And so true.
Thank you for taking the time to put these subtle thoughts into words for us,
Just wanted to say thank you so much for sharing your amazing ride through life on your blog. In my opinion you are the most gifted medium alive, and it is gift to receive your insight and wisdom through your tv series, books, and blog. Life Among the Dead was just jaw dropping. And your book 'Survival of the Soul' is one of my top 5 of all time and answered so many questions for me - I had been waiting years for a book like that to come out. I gave a copy to a friend of mine who had just lost her newly wed in a skiing accident and it provided her with so much healing. Cant wait to read your upcoming instalments! p.s.its time to book that Australasian tour! xox
HI Lisa,
As always it is nice to read your blog, inspiring.. and so true..
Hi Lisa, why is it that we have such a strong feeling towards wanting to help others but find it so hard to feel worthy enough to accept help and do things for ourselves??
lisa have just read your blog and cannot express enough how i love them you always say the right thing when it is needed it hits home everytime i felt at peace when listerning to the music so good thank you so much for your wise words life deals us all a hand we sometimes dont want to deal with reading your blogs gives so much comfort bless you always. love love joanne xxxxx
Thank u soooo much Lisa for your wonderful words....a small reminder especially this moment in time for me. Thank u xxx
People strive for the best in their life's, from all backgrounds. people should not judge, we are all equal.Some people can strive for contentment... from all walks of life.We have choices in life and there are always outcomes. I am challenged where it gives me life purpose, I can be weak, but I am strong, I have control .of me thoughts. And yes Lisa every time you Quote to SURRENDER , I feel at ease. Thank you Hun
I am finding my own meaning of life !!! which is wonderful ... Peace, Love and freedom in ones own mind :) Lee xx
Hey there Lisa,
Yes absolutely!!! We need to surrender to the natural ebb and flow of life and allow life to breath into you without resistance. This is something that takes years of practice and one has to be awakened to the true Spirit that guides them. As long as we are in this physical body, there will always be a struggle between physical and spiritual. It is a battle that is ongoing and sometimes tiring to those who lack wisdom and understanding of this reality. As humans, it is truly hard to maintain that harmonious balance and it is so easy to lose all perspective. When we allow ourselves to be consumed and enslaved by our thoughts, feelings, emotions, wants, needs, and expectations, we set ourselves up for major disappointment. We live in this imperfect world that is physical and temporary. However,once we wake up and realize that this is just an evanescent moment in our eternity, I believe the journey will begin and one will start living purposefully. When that day comes when we leave this plane of existence, what truly will we be taking with us?... nothing! So why invest so much time on nothing. With all my life experiences combined with my Spiritual life, the only thing that matters is love. I found this to be true even in the Bible. Once I understood and learned the Bible in the proper environment and with other loving Christians and Jews, I saw it for myself. So many people out there use the Bible as a weapon to hurt others... this was not the intention behind it. Actually Jesus was a living example of love in motion. Even in HIS perfect nature, he did not seek out perfect people, but continually taught and looked after people that were lacking Spirit and helped those who needed guidance. He surrendered even when adversity was looking at him in the face. He did not allow himself to deviate from HIS Divine purpose. There is a divine plan for each of us, but first we must shatter the illusions of this dark and lost world. My hope is to see each and every light shine bright in this world... it only takes a spark to ignite another. Imagine if we all went out with the intention to serve and love one another... WOW... the whole world would light up. There is a lot of work that needs to be done before this will happen, but I remain optimistic...
As always, you inspire me!
Sending lots of love and hugs,
Dear Lisa,
Maybe you remember me, we once had a short chat. It's been a while now. i'm sorry but i am from Belgium so maybe my english isn't that good anymore after such a long time.
I want to say that i got tears in my eyes by your words : what will be, will be. ...
I' m going through a very difficult time for the moment. From the day i knew you, nothing could ever go wrong in my live. In fact, when i think of you, you get me always through the day, everytime again. But now, i am in such a deep greave, that i really don't know it anymore...
So i decided to leave you a message here, as i don't know how to get in contact with you from here.
There are times that i say to myself, you will get there, you can do it. What will be , will be. Let it all come to you and go on with your life . But there are moments, when i really burst out into tears, and then i know nothing anymore. Those moments, i am always wondering, what if that one person, would still be here with me ? But, he isn't. And that's my biggest question. I get dreams, real dreams with messages in it. And when i try to look up the meaning of it, i get scared. I got so much the feeling, there is something very important that i have to know, but everytime i go one step closer to the answer, they smash the door into my face and say i don't have to open all these things from the past, as i could heart people by knowing the thruth. But i have the feeling, i have to know the thruth. Something is not right, i can feel it, i just have to know what happened really, so i can take closure. i just know it is very important, as this is going on now for more than twenty years. And i feel it is time that i know the thruth. i really can't explain it, maybe you can for me ? In all the greave i have today with my personal live, i feel more and more that i have to focus on this issue, as it may be the answer to go on with my life and goal in my life . I am just desperate now, sorry. i realize, that in case this thruth would hurt my loved once, i will have to keep this for myself. I just want closure for myself. It is just the most important, because i believe in dreams. Why ? Well, this nightmare started with a dream, and fourteen days later the nightmare came thrue, exactelly as i dreamed it. That's why i believe in my last dream too. and somewhere i really hope i am so wrong this time. Sorry, but i don't know anybody else to tell this to, so i am just thankfull for just reading this already. I love you Lisa, and i send you all my love as you bring so much love in our hearts, all over the world. Thank you !
;) yes, nice article ! what it will be, will true.. so sometimes we are impatient. But it's preferable to have a panoramic view.. me personally i see a psychiatrist open mind to paranormal (and he wrote some books, about it) it's important to have a personal view and from an other one, honorable.
continue in your lovely direction Lisa
and have fun
Sly from France..Cannes, actually.not LA, so palms, sun etc
I miss the regular blog as well as messages from beyond, this site has become quite dead.
I really liked this post, I think it's so hard to surrender and the reason why so many, including myself, yearn to receive direction from a psychic is for a little bit of rest, and a little bit of relief and a little nudge that we are thinking in the right direction...or not. It can be a real comfort when you feel like you are walking in circles. I hope I get to have a reading with you one day, thanks for sharing your time with us on your blog. XX
*THANK YOU* Lisa...You've opened up a part of me that I Thought... Had Lost ! :D
When will you be visiting Bergen, and have a show? I would really like to meet you....