Time to start believing!
(Posted Tuesday, June 12, 2012)
I sit here and I wonder where the last 3 and a half months have gone… I feel like I have been in a complete time warp and that I woke up and suddenly it's June! WOW… I remember I used to say to clients when I could see that times would be tough, "If I could put you to sleep and wake you up after X amount of time it will all be over" and they would say… yes please… now I know what it feels like… it feels like I have been asleep, it feels like I have just been existing and going through the motions.
I sit here over three months on and look at where I have come from. I remember the times where I cried, I remember the times where I was angry. I remember taking the dogs for a walk and wondering how I got to this place from love… there were so many questions, and not any answers. I remember sitting on the beach unsure of what the next step was or where it was going to take me. I remember the fear that I had and how I held on to the fear because it was all that I knew.
But here I am on a Monday night looking back on the journey and embracing it, and loving it and learning from it. Has it been easy… Oh no… have I cried… Oh yes… do I want to go through it again… No way. I am so grateful for the experience because it's showed me what I want and what I need and what I love in my life. And I can honestly sit here and say I am in love. I am in love with me. WOW it's been a long time coming… but I am in that space to feel it, and accept it and believe it.
Of course there will be times that will be hard, like recently… and in fact today even… but you push through them knowing that it's just a thought… A thought that is coming in your mind… just that moment of negativity that is there. I sit with it, and I feel it and embrace it. It doesn't take long until it subsides to love and goes to the reason why I am here and what I do and the people in my life.
Those connections and people are invaluable and I love them dearly. I don't always agree with what has been said, I don't always listen, but I know that they are there unconditionally… Knowing that you have some there for you in what you need.
So the lesson that I have learnt from this whole experience is that we have to experience life and all it has to offer. The good the bad, but don't distract yourself away from the feeling… just sit with it. Allow yourself to feel that emotion and allow yourself to believe in you. You can do so much, you can help yourself and you can help others. I realized that without this growth I was not able to help others. We can lose our way.
I did a reading recently and this guy asked me how to get back on the pathway and so I pulled from my experience and I helped him, and it was so nice to get feedback and to find that he was getting back on track… I finally felt like I was back doing what I love, changing lives and helping others. I had been put down because of my new network that I was creating, and that I wasn't what someone would call a spiritual advisor… and I disagreed… just because it was one persons feeling didn't mean that it was everyone else's, and to see that my reading and my words impacted and changed someones life made me feel like I was doing what I was put on this planet to do. It bought me back to my belief again.
It takes us a while when things have been rocky to rediscover who we are and what we want and where we are going. But it's time to believe in yourself, and what you believe in. Its time to stand your ground and know that your truth is your truth, no one is going to take that from you and no one should. If you believe it then it's real for you. You are the one that experiencing it and it's your process and your experience. But know that when you are struggling, it's just a thought that comes into your head, its just a memory that you are accessing, its just something that has sparked off an emotion. Sit with it, for 5 minutes and then see how you feel about it, you may feel differently about it after a while, you may see the love of a situation. You may see the fear within you, you may see many things that you recognize but you don't want to take them on board. when you are ready you will… just know that when it happens the timing will be perfect for you.
What you have to remember is that you are valued, you are love and you are love. You need to just believe that!
So now it's about connections for me, and my new network of Mediums and Psychic (will be coming soon). Connecting people together is important and so I named the network Soul Connections, Spiritual Advisors by Lisa Williams (nope I didn't change the name :)) Where I am believing in who I have trained and know that they are incredible and that they can help other people connect with souls who have crossed over. I believe in them, they believe in me, and together we believe in each other.
It's time to start believing… :)
With love
Lisa xx
Reader Comments (1)
Of course you are a Spiritual Advisor. You help heal people with your words, compassion, gift and love. Don't listen to that one doubting voice in the crowd.
You know who you are, you know you are on the path that you're supposed to be on. besides being a teach, I'm also a therapist as well. I liked reading how you said to "sit in' the pain. It's so true you know. You have to sit in it, feel it, cry it out because if you avoid working through the pain now, it will stay with you, and rear it's head again later on down the road. You must mourn your losses properly and fully, so when the joy shows up again, you will be able to recogonize it and accept it with open arms.Embrace it all....because what you resist will find you.
You are meant at this moment to feel and truly figure out who you are. You need to stop putting others first as you deserve that honor.
You should be in love with yourself....
The world is in love with you.....
and yes Lisa....even Iam...... xxx