Growing up and into my shoes!
(Posted Monday, June 18, 2012)
As I sit here on the eve of my birthday, I could reflect on the last 39 years, but whats the point in that. I have done many things in life some I would want to repeat, others I would not. Many things I have learnt from, and a few I haven't… but there is one thing that has always stuck in my head, and that is… "never get to my age and regret something you never did" It was my granddad who always said that, and to live life with no regrets… and I have and I will continue to do so.
So as I step into my 40th year (I'm turning 39) I step it to it feeling so full… so grateful… so happy… so content… so blessed… but most of all so loved. It's an amazing feeling and I sit here with tears in my eyes knowing that tomorrow is going to be powerful and incredible in every single way. I wish I could say that it's been carefully planned out… it hasn't, well not by me… the universe has had a hand in this… it's taking me on a journey of self discovery and growth. Not that I am not on that journey now… because I am, but for some reason my birthday has been lined up with so many amazing and insightful things that is only going to enhance the journey that I am on.
I feel a cleansing, a shift and new beginning that is happening. Every thing that is no longer needed in my life is leaving… and I have opened my arms and surrendered and said… if its not serving me it will leave and it's leaving. I have lost material things that have meant so much to me, but I realize that they no longer serve me. I have lost people in my life, and I realize that our pathways are no longer crossing and I have accepted that that is the case. The pathways may cross again at some point but for now… I'm on my journey.
I didn't really think about it until recently. I have always said that life begins at 40… But I'm not 40, but I'm taking the step into my 40th year… and I know that there is a massive shift… and everything that has been lined up tomorrow and the synchronicities that have happened are proving that I am right. It feels so freeing, so enlightening and so powerful. I am not celebrating with anyone, I'm am celebrating with me and I am celebrating me.
I've learnt so much about me recently, how I am, who I am, what I want, and what I need. Some of you may think I am being selfish with my thoughts in my blog, but over the last few weeks I have had amazing comments about real and authentic it is… and you know, that is all I have been… and I am continuing it here. So yes… I'm being selfish. But I am sharing my authenticity with you, but most of all I am sharing my journey with you.
I have realized that you should never fear anything. My biggest fear was being alone and no one liking me. HUGE fear. I stepped into that fear recently and I will continue to step into that fear tomorrow, by being alone. I never liked being alone on my birthday it was all about who wanted to be with you, and how many cards you got… (we used to count them as kids) but not now, I will be with me. I have realized that love is unconditional, no boundaries, just pure love. No control, being able to make mistakes but knowing that you have the love that is going to help pick you up and dust you off, not the love that is going to do it for you so you don't learn. Love is about being able to voice an opinion and not being told that you can't do it, or that you are no good. Love is pure… its open and freeing but it has to start with you. I recently had a tattoo that represented that to me, and I see it every day, its a reminder for me.
Even though I have known this for a long time, and I practised it before, over a number of years my ways changed. I always put someone else before me, maybe it started when I became a mom… who knows but I realized I didn't like me, so how could I love me. I did an exercise with my therapist recently, and I have to say I was shocked at what came out of it. She asked me a series of questions and I just had to talk. I wasn't to think about it, I just had to talk. And the answers came and went and she scribbled down everything that I said, and I am sitting here with the piece of paper, looking at it.
I never felt I was worthy of many things in life, and this exercise was about you seeing the worth in you… I didn't realize it at the time… but what came out of it was powerful. And I'm going to share them with you… you may use them as affirmations if you wish… but this is the REAL Lisa.
- When I stay connected to how my thoughts and behaviors affect others, I am at my best.
- I am deserving to explore what I want
- I'm in charge of me.
- I'm more connected to my authenticity
- I'm showing myself and others how to be vulnerable and embrace it
- I am in love and I'm in love with myself
- The better I feel about myself internally the better I feel externally
- People love me for who I am, not how I look
- I am persistent, driven and follow through. I do what I say I'm going to do.
- I protect and I'm a damn good mom, I will keep us safe!
- I am growing into my shoes!
I surprised myself when she read these back, but they were my exact words. I realized that I knew who I was… it was just hidden under a layer of unwanted crap that needed to be cleared. When we realize this we can surrender that crap to the universe and allow it to be taken away. My crap was my baggage… it was the stuff that I have been through over the years. Things that I had held onto, beliefs that I had kept in my mind and had been reinforced by others because I have led them to believe them. I projected it and therefore I got it.
So I am going to be embracing and being embraced on a life changing spiritual quest that is calling for me. In fact every time I write or talk about it, I just fill up, as I am doing now. It's something that I HAVE to do, it's something that has been lined up for me. I know it's going to be healing and change my life somehow and I am totally open to anything that happens.
So when ever things open up for you, and there are too many synchronicities and co-incidences that happen in life, just surrender to what is supposed to be, and allow it to happen. Don't fight it. Don't force it, don't judge it… but allow it to be. Because it can change your life. remember to love yourself. Don't put conditions on you and those that you love, just be. Nothing more, nothing less.
For me I had a vision, I knew it was there… I just stepped into the shoes, and I will grow into them!
I love you all and thank you for supporting me on this journey… I like who I am!
With love
Lisa xx
Reader Comments (1)
You are not being selfish Lisa, and through tears, pai n and confusion..a new you is emerging. It takes courage to share your feelings and vulnerabilities with the world. We are all the same and it helps others to know that you are human, and go through the same trials and tribulations as they do. You are so right, our own expectations do us in and cause us hurt and disappointment. Surrender all your wants, expectations and needs....because only in true surrender can you get what you really are meant to have. I celebrate you Lisa and feel grateful that our paths have crossed. A toast to you as you enter your fourthieth year.. Much much the purest form.... xxx