Norway connections
Well I have to share with your my experience in Stavanger last night, but not only that the whole Norwegian tour.
It's been amazing and such a lovely group of people who have been coming to the shows. I love being back in Norway and the country is just simply beautiful. While there is not much time to go out and explore, the travel between venues just wonderful because the scenery is so breathtaking.
I have been traveling most of the country by bus with my crew, and you become like a family. I am fortunate to have someone who is an amazing friend as my tour manager so that makes life so much easier.
It's been an emotional ride where I was upset by someone after a show while we were having a quiet drink in a small bar. Minding our own business someone came up to the table and asked who Lisa was, and since I was the only girl at the table it was obvious. And what started to be a pleasurable conversation turned.
Bible was quoted and my gift what questioned. I must admit I can quote the bible to anyone because I have had to deal with these types of people before, but I deal with it. I can guarantee that both parties are sinning according to the bible. It's ok… we all live life and we live it how we want to live it.
It had been a long time since I was upset about something like that, but I left crying. I think tiredness had hit but also the fact that that incident had upset everyones' evening not just mine. Ryan followed me and then David and they both made me see that my gift was special and that it's only one person out of many who felt that they needed to verbally attack me in that way.
I"m happy for someone to share their opinion with me, but to attack in the way that I was, that was not acceptable. Either way I have to let it go, and I have.
So I went to the show In Stavanger thinking, I'm just going to share my gift and not worry what people think… and what an amazing show!
Jib (my camera guy) and I came off stage just in awe of the way the people were. So much love in the room, and love for each other and their stories. Each one was totally moving and unique. Messages were shared and there were some incredible connections being made.
The last one really hit home and I don't cry often on stage but this story did… it was a young bit who passed with cancer. His mother was just desperate to connect with him. But what was interesting is that at the beginning of the messages I couldn't work out whether I needed to connect with a girl or boy and I mentioned leukemia and cancer. I found the boys mom and the girl in spirit with the leukemia supported and gave energy to him so he could connect with his mom. There was not a dry eye in the house…
But what happened afterwards was incredible. Drew (who opens the show and who was with the merchandise outside) started to talk to a family who wanted to give me a picture… and they are selling these pictures to raise money for the children's hospital and they wanted a picture for their Facebook page of them presenting it to me. Of course I agreed and they came backstage.
They told me that they knew the boy from the last reading who had cancer and he was in hospital with their daughter who passed with leukemia… thats when we realized that she was the spirit that was on stage giving energy to the young boy to connect with his mother. WOW
What an incredible connection. They shared the story and it was so moving.
The connections that happen in an evening of messages are amazing… I love them. I realize that all I do is surrender to spirit and allow the connections to happen. It's not about me, it's the gift that I am channeling.
It takes so much to put a show together, Jib who captures so beautifully the story that is unfolding on his camera. Drew who opens the show and talks about imagination, gets people thinking positively. Ryan who has worked for months making sure that everything is booked. David… well David is just David, my guy who I go to for everything, who makes sure everything runs smoothly, that I have everything I need and also makes an appearance on stage occasionally when my mic is having a problem. Tom who drives me around everywhere and is just such a lovable guy.
These are just some of the people, but then we have the people who work behind the scenes at Sony, Mills Entertainment and my incredible staff in my office. I am so blessed to have them.
But most of all the show is about the audience, if it wasn't for the love that shared then the show wouldn't be the way it is. It's about the connections and love and that love just brings the spirits through strong and in a way that I love.
So thank you for sharing your love.
Thank you for making my tour of Norway incredible!
With love
Lisa xx
PS… if you wish to buy one of these incredible pictures and raise money for the hospital then please go to or just 'like' the page…
Reader Comments (38)
Hi Lisa, you have a lot of love from people, from spirit. But in your personal life !?.. no with your friends but.. i saw on your facebook profile that your "alone"
How is it possible.. So this is your private life.. excuse me..
wish you the best..
Sly from France
nb : you know Celine Dion have beautiful love songs in french ;)
Hi Lisa. I was in Bodø yesterday. and i was wondering when and where you will pout out the things you read out in the end of the show ?
I loved the show! :)
Dear Lisa
I wonder what I should write today...3 months I was just for other people...Now I understand, that our common work was very important and we can't forget this all...3 months ago I was ready say goodbye to you all...I was ready leave my body and become only pure love...But our common love and fight for new life for me and our world showed me that we should thank for this second chance every single day...We should appreciate our gift and use our power for other people, who need our help...We should change our world for better...Give our world more love, hope, new capability...Every day see more and be always in connection with ourself and other side...Please, don't let me forget this all and be always in connection with me, because now I have only you...I don't want forget this all-our love, our hard work, our sacrifice and everything what we have inside us...Please, pray for her too because she needs our support...I hope that one day we all will be ready return to this memory, connection, love and finish our co-creation...I'm so happy that yesterday I could be short moment with my husband, who reminded me ALL TRUTH...Thank you for your/our love, protection and help...For every day with you...I never forget this all...LIMI FOREVER
PS I want send you my own message and remind of our story every day:
Dear Lisa, thank you for a wonderful show in Os. You connected me to my estranged grandma and helped me get the answer I needed. Thank you so much for that.
I just want to tell you about a strange thing that happed later in the show. You connected to a somewhat loud and crazy teenage girl who lost her life in an accident, possibly suicide, while on the run from an institution. I knew right away that this was my patient who I treated for several years, and who I think about almost daily. Naturally, due to doctor-patient confidentiality, I could not come forward, but luckily her sister's friend was there to recieve the message. I was so happy to witness the connection, and to hear that she was ok. So thank you again, for putting me at ease twice in one night.
Hey there Lisa,
It's funny because I felt compelled to come here and now I know why. I am going to speak from the perspective of a gay woman who spends lots of time at church, ministry, and Bible study. Lisa, I can tell you that anyone who uses the Bible as a weapon to hurt others is sinful in itself, but you already know this. Also the fact that they are judging you in a mean-spirited way is also a sin and breaks one of the ten commandments. My questions for those that use the Bible as a trigger to kill another's Spirit is this, "What is their purpose and why are they so inclined to hurt others who are different? This is not God's love. What kind of Bible are they reading? We live in a world where there is freedom of speech and I am all for it as long as it does not hurt others. We can agree to disagree and not try to dispirit one another. The most basic commandment in the New Testament is to 'Love one another as I loved you, so you must love one another'. Let me just share that being on the inside of the church walls and being gay and in God is not an easy way. However, I was called to do this work and I have to see it through. While everyone really likes me, I know there is judgement (but not by everyone)... if it is not my sexual preference, it is that I do not always like wearing dresses, then it is that I have red streaks in my hair and the list goes on. Even some of my old gay friends think I have gone mad and turned on the gay community... I tell you that you just can't win sometimes. Yes, I get the smiles in front of my face and then the looks behind my back. Recently, my Spirit was crushed by a very close friend that was judging my life and I was already feeling vulnerable... it just felt like I was stabbed with a knife and then it was being twisted in me. Although we got past it, it was not an easy time. I am an extremely forgiving person and tend to give people lots of room for messing up, but that does not mean things do not hurt in the moment. I will openly admit that I was in a really bad depression over this and other disappointments, but I got through it all and am not afraid to talk about it. However, I do want to say that through all this, I have made some close connections with those who are like me and in the church. Through these special connections, I realize that there is a purpose for me being there. Maybe it is to show love and compassion to even those who judge me... Maybe it is to teach them that gay people are just like them...who knows... I don't know, but there is a mission for me that is bigger than little old me. All will be revealed in time. It is not always easy, but love is really the only way to teach the world. Love is what melts away the hate and bigotry. So I say to you Lisa, just continue to be the beautiful soul you are and don't let these earthly interruptions in your life take you down... easier said than done eh? Oh do I know girl and the tests are quite difficult!!! Be well and just know that you always have someone on the East Coast who is sending you good thoughts and prayers.
Love and Big Hugs,
Dear Lisa!
I was at your show in Lillehammer, and after the show I was asked by a reporter from the local newspaper about the show etc. A few days ago I got a letter in the mail from a woman I've never met. She had read my statement in the newspaper, and sent me a letter referring to a lot of texts from the Bible. She hadn't even been to the show, but still thought she knew better than ME what had been going on and "who" you are. SHE, the "christian" one, was the only one preaching about darkness, death and hatred, YOU and your show is ALL about love, light and hope. I wanted to tell her that, but realized it was no point. As you, I've just let it go.
I never responded to the letter, i actually burned it, and to be honest, I feel sorry for her who chooses to live a life filled with boundaries and small-mindedness. We have different opinions about life and "reality", and I respect that, I just wish people like her would meet people like "us" with the same respect and an open mind. It seems to me that as long as they have a Bible in hand, they can hurt and stamp on people as much as they like. i DON'T respect that.
THANKS for an amazing show in Lillehammer. i hope you will be back!!
Hello :-)
I just have a question for You. Not about a reading or anything like that, just want some advice about something. It' s kind of private, don't want everyone to read it, so can you send me an email?
Best regards, Ann Kristin :-)
Hi Lisa, just for say,before our next article, i saw a video about you on youtube Testimonial and it's was very Moving (it's the good word i think) that's all..
so much Love...
I have seen your shows on tv here in sweden and were surprised to see that you are now in norway?? Are you coming to Stockholm, Sweden at all?
I have lost my sister 4 years ago and would absolutely LOVE to see if she would come thru. She was extremely spiritual!!!
Could you email me with a tour plan?
lots of love
Dear Lisa:) I have a lot of respect for what you're doing, your gift is amazing!
I wonder: is it possible that you can get in touch with someone that died this year in may?
My mother in law lost her husbond in cancer..
She is also going to your show in Steinkjer on monday.
Anyway, I wish you the best and good luck with your show.
I hope you enjoy Norway:)
Best Wishes<3
Hello, I don't know where to write to get a respond from you, so I'm trying to ask you my question here.
In my dreams, I often dream about my dead sister who commited suicide, and that I'm talking to her. One time, short time after her death, I dreamed that I was talking to her about her commiting suicide, and I told her I forgave her. Is this just a dream, or is it a chance that I'm actually talking to her in my dreams. Because I was thinking about her one day, and that I wanted to talk to her, and then she showed up in my dream. It feels so strange in the dreams I have with her, because it feels like I'm actually talking to her.
Hi Lisa! I was really glad when i heard you camed to norway, cause i thought that maybe you would come to Sweden.. You have many fans here too that would LOVE seeing and hearing you live. I missed your show here in Stockholm Sweden 2011 , which makes me really sad. I think youre incredible and i love you. I really hope seeing you here in Sweden someday.
Much love / Denice
Dear Lisa
I have wrote to alot of people for help and no response so far
It's about my child who has passed
I don't know how much info you need so ill just tell you about me
This has about drove me crazy at times to the point of not wanting to live the pain is so great
I'm not a rich person but I would pay u if you would just give me a chance
I don't sleep good at night and its on my mind all the time so if I could just know she is ok I would be so grateful to u
Thank you
Maudie ward