Welcome to my World

For the last five years I have used this space to write about my thoughts and feelings.  I have purged and opened my heart, often not knowing what my real emotions were until I started to write.  

I used my blog as a type of journal, and I became an open book.  I didn't realize how sharing my journey through life helped people, until I started to get comments and emails telling me how my blogs have changed their life, and that what I was going through was everything that they were going through. 

How I handled situations gave people a different outlook in life.  So I have continued to blog and write about my experiences, good and bad, in an effort to continue to help you. 

So with that... My name is Lisa Williams and Welcome to my world!

Entries by Lisa Williams (25)


Day two

Well Day Two... and the monsoon hit! Yes, I was REALLY looking forward to my 7km hike into the jungle but rain stopped play... Oh dear! 

So the wake up call 6.15am probiotics washed down with coconut oil... yum and then chatting about the weather and if it's ever going to stop raining... haha 

It is so nice to be here alone, not knowing anyone and going through your emotional crap with perfect strangers who are all going through the same emotional crap that you are going through.  Some are more verbal about it than others, but either way you know you are not alone. 

So yoga at 9.30 after your delicious smoothie, which at this point I was ready to eat anything that they put in front of me... well almost... actually come to think of it, I probably would have had peas at that point. Either way I was hungry! 

Yoga... ahhhh back to the mat.  Now I know why I had done so much to stay off the mat recently.  Because it brings up all your emotions.  I remember standing in the gym looking in the mirror one morning at some unearthly hour with my trainer, and standing there as I am doing my bicep curls crying.  Big fat juicy tears rolling down my cheeks.  I realized that as I was physically getting stronger, emotionally I was getting stronger too.  I was standing up and being who I wanted to be... 

Here its the same. Being back on the mat was powerful and it proved it in my balances.  I was focused, centered and together... it was blowing up a storm about 5 feet away from me but that didn't waver my inner peace and focus that I had.  It was amazing... just to be that centered and focused on what I needed. 

Then off to massage... what better place to be in, a place where it's scheduled into your day to have a massage along with a colonic... (too much info I know).  I realized that the massage was to help get the toxins out and they massage in just the right places before your 'coffee break' (which is what I have nicknamed it).  However I think my own snores woke me up!

While I was having my morning coffee break all these conversations, situations and confrontations that had hurt me were starting to resurface.  They resurfaced in an amazing way.  So I realized that I hide behind food... I would just go and get something to eat to comfort me, and it blocked the emotion behind it.  I didn't deal with it... and that food was festering inside of me because my body wasn;t breaking it down.  

So as my coffee is doing the work of breaking down things, my emotions are being allowed to surface... and jeez did the crap (literally) come out.  The tears flowed again, just like they did that day in the gym. physically and emotionally it all started to come out, and I felt soooooo good afterwards.  Wow it was powerful. 

I realized that if it wasn't for Charlie I don't know where I would be.  He totally saved me on many levels along with two friends. It was powerful. 

I went along with this feeling all day, as part of my soul coaching I am having to hold that thought too... and then it hit me... HUNGER!

That was enough to pull me away from my emotional gratitude and into ... "I. WANT. FOOD. AND. I. WANT. IT. NOW!" 

I have cadburys chocolate in my safe... yes it's in my safe as I have this random thought that it might get confiscated by the detox police while I'm here... although everyone knows I have it. I also have protein balls from Australia too in my bag. But no... I was not going to do it... no no no.... oh but how tempting!

3 hours until dinner... how was I going to last... I skyped a friend who made me see that if I cheated and only I knew, I was only cheating myself and breaking my promise to me, and it felt like I have always broken my promise to me... so I couldn't do it... so what else was I going to do... I know... WORK!  I channelled some messages for my next book and WOW the messages were clear! Clear as a bell... whoohoo... I love it. 

So now, I have only an hour to go before food... herbal steam bath and shower and then whoohoo... OMG OMG OMG fooooooood!

Soup! Veggie soup... loaded with garlic... HEAVEN. Yes heaven

However I have to admit, I was hungry again about an hour ago and did open the protein ball and smelt it... and that was enough to say... NOPE I'm not doing it... so I haven't. It's in the bin where it belongs. 

So Day two has been interesting and enlightening. Oh the joys! Day three tomorrow... Starts with a beach walk... I hope the weather holds off. 

Sending everyone love and some rain!


Not every blob in a picture is an orb... these are the rain drops!


The detox starts

So the blog starts... Here I am in Thailand.. Koh Samui to be exact where the locals call it Samui. Why did I decide on Samui.. well good question.  I was in a place where I wanted peace, relaxation and healing.  The last place I found all 3 together was in Samui so I decided I was going to go back. 

I remember last time I came here, I had just had major surgery and I needed to heal, I was supposed to be on a detox with my friend Anita, who had to carry my bags because I couldn't (she was a great support bless her) and she did the detox and I relaxed... I had never felt that tranquility again no matter where I went. I had it when I went away a few times but that was it. So since I was going away alone, I thought why not fulfill what I was going to do all those years ago and do the detox. 

Also, I have been in a place in my life where a detox is just what I need. Not because of my diet, because actually when I listened to the nutritionist today, I realized my diet over the last 4 months has been really good. Only because I have this awesome trainer who kicks my backside and makes me log my food and she checks what I eat, so I know it's healthy.  But there have been other areas of my life that have been unhealthy. So I'm detoxing all areas of my life. 

Last week, I was seriously sick... I shouldn't have been teaching but it was interesting as soon as I walked into the hotel that I was in, I was hit with everything.  Suddenly my body reacted and I was put literally in my bed.  I couldn't move.  I only got up to teach and eat.  It was as if going back to a place that held memories, my body and soul said... no more Lisa you are moving on... and it cleansed everything out of me.  Incredible.  I'm still croaky but I'll survive. 

I was faced with so many things last week which was good but tough all at once, but either way it was amazing, and now, here I am in Thailand. On a juice detox that is just going to highlight so many things, and make me face everything, and deal with all my crap and baggage. Bring it on!

So I figured that since I was an open book I would share the journey with you. 

So I am sitting here on the deck of my little home having just showered... the journey from Brisbane was great.  I had the most amazing chilled day with some really great friends yesterday, laughing and joking and watching their dog do some amazing tricks... it was just heaven.  Then I got dropped off at the airport for my flight to Singapore. Arriving in Singapore 8 hours later to the shops being closed... I mean come on... what is a girl going to do for 3 hours... haha thankfully I didn't have to wait for long before they opened and I made my first purchase... Then I found the Sanctuary... a little place which has relaxation chairs, plants and soft music. Everything you need to relax you and think that you are already away on holiday.  So having lay there for a while, I headed to my gate and started having a text conversation with Charlie.  I miss him so much but I also know that if I don't take this time for me, I will have burn out and he is having a great time with my parents so he is safe. 

And so onto Koh Samui. While we were on the plane, I ate breakfast, not realizing it was going to be my last 'meal' for 2 weeks... and I slept.  I got woken up with the announcement about The tropical storm in Koh Samui and that we couldn't land and we would be circling for 45minutes... yay... I could sleep more! 

An hour and a half later we landed, in beautiful Koh Samui.  The warm rain hit my face as I was getting off the plane and rolled down my face like big tear drops, and then I realized I was crying, silently but tears flowed because I was here... the time had come.  Before I left LA I had other plans with this time, but now here I am... waiting for my thai massage. 

I was greeted by the driver who took me to the resort and I was met with the nutritionist and explained that I was going to start today... OMG thrown in the deep end... not realizing that the plane food was going to be my last.  I thought I was starting tomorrow! lol

Mango smoothie, for lunch and my supplements... Yum, and then the food talk and then unpack and shower.  Jeez did I need that shower... lol 

So here I am not knowing what is going to come up for me, but knowing it's going to be transformational. Waiting for my massage feeling a little hungry but thats all psychological because I know I can't eat. Knowing I'm going to feel like crap for a few days but it's all doing to be worth it in the end. 

Ok, time past and I had my massage... OMG it was awesome and then... well you don't want to know what I had to do after that... but lets just say letting go! 

yes I am definitely hungry... and I'm looking forward to my soup! FUN... 

The day is almost done.  How am I feeling... well thats an interesting question. I know that I have some things to work through and some things to take care of, but on the whole, I'm feeling good. 

Lets see what tomorrow has is store for me!


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