Welcome to my World

For the last five years I have used this space to write about my thoughts and feelings.  I have purged and opened my heart, often not knowing what my real emotions were until I started to write.  

I used my blog as a type of journal, and I became an open book.  I didn't realize how sharing my journey through life helped people, until I started to get comments and emails telling me how my blogs have changed their life, and that what I was going through was everything that they were going through. 

How I handled situations gave people a different outlook in life.  So I have continued to blog and write about my experiences, good and bad, in an effort to continue to help you. 

So with that... My name is Lisa Williams and Welcome to my world!

Entries by Lisa Williams (25)


Day Six and Seven

Why didn’t I blog yesterday… because it was boring… haha the highlight of day was going to Tesco with my friend hunting for Thai curry paste, flipflops and coconuts! On the way back we went for a massage where this Thai woman, not so small either, used my body like it was a climbing frame… and that was all in the name of massage.  I have to say it was interesting but amazing!!

Today is another day like yesterday, I’m not sure what my highlight is, probably soup in half hour.  Ha ha.

However I am surviving without food, My mouth is dying to chew on something so I load my soup with garlic and chew on that. Oh the joys, but what is interesting, is that I am not craving food, as much as you would think.  My body is saying, Thank you.  I even look forward to my 'coffee breaks'. 

My mind is clearer, I have energy and I'm in a space of understanding with thing in life. The only thing that is sad is when you have to say goodbye to others who have been on the detox who have supported you through your journey.  You become a little family here, you don't really talk about your life you find that you talk about what is coming out of your body, but it's so interesting. In fact you should hear some of the conversations that we have. 

All different walks of life come here, and you can see how they transform in days, it's actually quite amazing to see.  I know that if I hadn't have done this, to this extreme here in Thailand there would be no way I could do it at home, but now... I'm looking forward to doing this once a month for a week if I can. 

However I did get a tiny bit excited when I was just discussing with Robin about my flight details to go home and realized I could have breakfast... yum!

So I won’t bore you anymore, I’m off to hit the steam room with the others and then tasty soup! Yum!


Day Five... 

OMG... the Liver flush... 

So last night I went to bed with my headphones on to drown out the awful singing that was down the street, which didn't really work because it was SO loud.  I thought, 'great, I'm feeling ok' with the flush, but then 3am hit... Wow...

I didn't feel well at all.  I wasn't sure what to do.  I was just nauseous but I HATE feeling like that and especially alone.  But I didn't have the energy to text or call anyone back home, I just had to sit there and ride the wave.  

Finally, I lay backdown and closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep, and that's when my alarm went. 6am... OMG another salt drink.  I was SUCH a baby.  I was a nightmare. I couldn't do it, then I could, I couldn't do it, then I could... haha I had psyched myself up so much that I thought I would be a mess, so I couldn't do it. 

Eventually I prepared it, an hour later, and drank it... CHUG CHUG CHUG... Ugh... it was disgusting, but I felt fine... Wow... or did I... was it mind over matter... yes it was!

I was telling myself that I was going to be ok, and I was... everyone else I knew couldn't keep it down and I did, but did I feel great... not on your nelly! I felt like Pants... 

I went back to bed and finally surfaced for breakfast... Breakfast... ha... Guava smoothie! Not quite your bacon and eggs. Anyway, being quite honest, I felt like poo.  As I made my way to breakfast I didn't have the energy to do anything... So I sat there not being able to move.  Everyone knew how I felt because they had been there too. 

However after my massage and coffee break, life seemed to perk up! In fact, it was rather rosy... I was feeling great! Wow... what a change! I could see that I had lost weight, but that wasn't the thing, it was how I was feeling... AMAZING!

I wasn't craving food... and even tonight when some of the girls and I went to Chaweng shopping and we walked past all the food places I smelt the food, and it smelt great, but that was it... I didn't want anything more! However my pumpkin soup was delicious today... yum yum! 

So mind over matter was the lesson today, and you can do anything that you set your mind too... you just gotta believe! 

I'm hoping the rain stops soon. It stopped for a little while so I got some shots that I thought I'd share with you. 

Hugs all 


The beachHeart shaped rockA Temple

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