Brossard - April 27th, 2014

Thomas Henry - Eric is here and I just want to tell him I love him. he is a wonderful boy and I never had the privilege to get to know him, but I know he is just amazing as I am with him all the time. Can you tell him that from me and save the message for me for when he is old enough to read. I love you my darling and thank you for being the light in my life.
Martin - I passed in a car accident and I was driving I fell into the water and I drown. It was tragic but I am ok. My mother wants to know where I am, and I am with her all the time with her, smiling as she talks to me. Please believe that I am around you. The photo you changed it lovely thank you.
Sonja - That is my mother and I want her to know that I arrived safely in the afterlife and that was is little that could be done. I do not hurt. I am happy and I love you and are always watching over you. Never fear as I will always try to show you I am with you. And you did the right thing, I support everything you did.
Anna Marie - My wonderful wife, can you let her know I love her very much and I will support her no matter what, and that she should always try to find happiness in her life. I cannot express my love for you, so I will show you in words of the song that I sang for you. Be happy my gorgeous love. I will be forever waiting.