Montreal, April 26th, 2014

Carl - I’m his mother and I want to thank him for always being close to me and helping me before my transition. It was hard for him and I know he feels alone but know I am always with you.
Marcus - My fiancé and my mother need to know that I am here and they need to stop arguing, it wasn’t anyones fault. I couldn’t change. No one needs to hurt there is enough hurt. stay strong for the sake of my child. I love you both more than you know. He remembers the tattoo…
Danielle - I’m the grand mother and I want my children to know I was received into the heavens ok and I am with your papa and things are good. I feel happy and alive, and much better. I can walk again. Don’t forget to tell everyone and I love the flowers. In the afterlife I am free.
Bridget - I am her mother Mary and I want her to know that she did all that she could but nothing that she could change. I am sorry how she saw me, but I am ok and well. I love what she is doing know, she is my beautiful girl. Tell her I will always be there for her and tell her to sleep well my angel child.