Tarrytown, May 5, 2014

Frances - Grandmother, she had a chest congestion and it was hard at the end with the issues that she had with the nurses, but she wanted to let her family know that she loves them very much and to keep up the good work, I’m working with you. I love you.
Tony - Parker wants to say hi, very quiet but it was indicated that is all that needs to be said.
Adam - I passed in a car accident and I wasn’t concentrating and I was also on my phone, that is something that no one may know. I am sorry I ran a red light. I am healed now and I want mom to know that I am looking after her in this time of need. Never forget I’m here for you.
Maureen - I’m Barbara her sister and she helped me with my cancer. I didn’t tell her how much I appreciated her and what she did. She means the world to me and she is looking after my daughter and son, so please, thank you. I love you so much and give my love to the kids.