Bethlehem, May 6, 2014

Tony - I had a car accident and my fiancé would like to know that I am here. I am sorry I never checked the car like I said I would and it’s was totally my fault. I tried to swerve. I can’t believe I did that, and I promised her I would. Can you let her know that I am sorry and that I am ok. The impact didn’t hurt. I will always be there for my son. I love you very much and I’m happy for you.
Jean - Your sister is coming through and wants you to know that she is happy and she is smiling because you have the dog. I never said goodbye but there wasn’t anything that I could do. I love you can can you say hello to my family for me please. I will always be there.
Annette - I am her friend and I want her to know that she was the greatest friend that you could imagine, she never expected me to come through. I am sorry that I didn’t say goodbye or we never saw each other, it was life that got in the way but I will smile upon you from the heavens and I’m never far away.
Maureen - my son, can you say hello to him, it’s his birthday and he doesn’t want to believe in this world, but I’m here and I hope that he hears my message so that he knows how much I love him. Be happy darling boy. I love you