Messages from Spirit

At every event and show, I get messages before I go on stage and regularly during meditations, and during quiet moments while sitting at my piano or in bed I will get visitations from Spirit who wish to get their messages across to you.

So I have created a space to post these messages so that more people can get the connection to their loved ones.  

With love,

Lisa xx

Entries by Lisa Williams (19)


July 2012

Marcus – I passed in a tragic accident and it happened so quickly there was no time to pull back. I could see it was going to happen, and I’m sorry it was sloppy. I knew that you threw a party for me and that was lovely and thank you for everything that you did. I love the music by the way, it’s great. Look for the flashes of purple and you will know it’s me that has come to see you. I love you!

Pat – your father is here and he is laughing, you have his sense of humour. He is also showing me that he drops coins for you, and that you pick them up or you have started to recently. You have the ability also and you just have to believe in yourself. I’m with your mom and know that she is good and say hi to your sisters. I’ll go and visit them soon too!

Jennie – I am getting a female who is showing me a snow dome and it’s as if it was something that is special between the two of you, but I am also being shown you or someone as a child would try to get in to the snow dome and live in there or get the flakes out. She loves you and tells me that whenever you see one think of her, and remember to sparkle and enjoy life she is with you every step of the way!

Paul and Amy – be happy together and enjoy life, we helped you two come together, (feels like a parent from each side) and we are so glad that you have learnt to grow together, it’s not been easy but we are giving you the strength that you need. We are watching you and showing you signs, don’t worry about the rest of the skeptics we are working on them, don’t let anyone spoil your day! We love you.

Michael – There is a connection to the person who passed leaving on a special occasion, like his birthday but he is showing me that he was on the way to celebrate, and it all happened so suddenly, it came out of nowhere. Be happy for me I know the anniversary is coming up but it doesn’t matter, I am happy and I know I am loved. Give the kids a kiss for me. I love you too.

Paul – Hunny I am ok and STOP worrying, you couldn’t do any more. She laughs. You know what I am like and I was going to come through whether you like it or not and I know that you have sat on the fence about this for years but finally I hope you are opening your eyes and your mind to the world of possibilities, we will see each other again and know that I love you. You are doing so well. Give everyone a big kiss from me! xx


June 2012

Maureen – I passed with breast cancer, and my family is here, I was only 40 and I had a feeling that I was going to leave. I could sense things too and it was always joked about that I was a bit of a witch… she laughs. Tell them I love the memorial and everything that they have done but tell them, it’s time to stop as they are wasting money and I would rather it be spent elsewhere… education. Ok I’m off and I love you all and stay happy for me!

Graham – I’m the husband and son, and I need to say hi to Mary, she helped me so much and she didn’t realize it.  I am doing ok and I am happy about the watch and ring, so don’t argue about it anymore there is nothing more to say. Just be happy.  I love you and I am with you… butterflies!!

Sally-Ann – Very bubbly lady between about 20-30, blonde hair in a bob. Smiling and funny. I need to say hi to my kids, I left them too young and can you let them know it’s mommy coming to visit them and that they shouldn’t be scared and that the lights are the angels bringing me to see them. I hope that will help them. I love you and I’m not going any where, I  always promised you that.  Lots of love xoxoxox

Gentleman coming through who is younger, and actually was doing sign language, he had on a black shirt and he was trying to get my attention, but loved music and was swaying to the music. He is a brother figure and wants to tell you that mom is ok and there is nothing to worry about. As I am connecting I get the name Greg also. Let everyone know I am fine and you will see a bright bird and that is a sign from me. Parrot! I love you all and enjoy South Pacific.

Margaret – I’m Patty’s sister, ooooh she will be surprised that I have come through… she laughs. Listen, tell her not to worry about the tea pot and that it can be fixed or it can be replaced. I get the metallic taste on my mouth with chemo, but unsure if it’s for her or someone else. She is rubbing her tummy and showing me it swelled. Tell my Johnny I am ok and I love him.

Steven – He had throat cancer, and he is showing me that the smoking didn’t help. He is quite a quiet man, didn’t say much but telling me that he needs to say happy birthday to someone like a daughter or a niece.  I’m ok so stop worrying!

Jerry – Female, Oh I have tried to get through before but I couldn’t make it come through to the other medium. I am ok and it’s ok to wear the clothes I know that you have worried about wearing them but that’s what they are there for, I had clothes in the wardrobe that had their tags on. I am fine and tell your mom to be happy. I love what you did and go and get your teeth done!

Diana – Your dad is coming through and wants you to know that he is with you as you were talking to him today and even though you have heard from him before you just need to know that he is with you. He is worried about you and sees you as single but also showing me that there is a partner around you but you are not connected as you should, but you and your boy are. He is with your boy and telling you to be strong and happy. He’s proud of you!

Tracey – Grandma is with you and showing me that you have her ring on a necklace with an angel. Its been a tough time and that there is nothing that can be done you have to go through this and be strong with yourself and you will grow from it. I am with you and know I will always keep you safe. I love you.

Alan - Barbara is with you and she is loving what you have done with the house. Normally she had control but you do now and she is pleased with what you have done. She loves you very much and you have done the right thing. I was strong for you it's your time to be strong for yourself now. I'll be waiting as we discussed.

Tony - Margaret wants to say hi, she felt that she was your neighbour and that you shouldn't feel bad there was nothing that you could have done and that you did so much for her. She wants to thank you for everything and make sure her house stays nice... but she knows you will

Jerry - say hi to anthony and Paul for me. I am ok and that I know it was a bit of a shock but there was little I could so. I'm fine and it's important to say hi to my family. They have been fighting recently and they should stop it. Have lots of fun.

Marty - It's your sister and she wants you to know that she is proud of you for what you are doing with mother. she knows it's tough but there is a good place waiting for her. You have done everything you can and there is nothing more you can do. Things will change and you will be fine but just remember you will not be alone we are always here for you. Love you.

Barry - Your mom wants to say hi, and ask you if you have the flowers. Things are not always what they seem, but look a little closer and you will see through everything. It seems she needed to give you advice.  Be strong honney and have fun!


May 2012

Hi mom, I’m worried about Scott in the family but let her know that there is nothing that anyone can do and that we are trying to help the situation. It’s tough but we are all there for you. Mom I’m sorry and I am sorry that you have had to go through so much since I left you. I didn’t do it to spite you I had to go. I love you. Stay strong for me.

Rocker chick!! Blonde hair. Giving me the name Suzy.  Chewing gum, loudly and laughing and she has streaks of strong colors in her hair like a red and a blue. Listen I am here to tell mom and dad, (she’s sarcastic) that I am ok and that I am doing well. I didn’t know what was happening and you warned me about it and I didn’t listen. You always wanted me to be your little girl but I rebelled.  It wouldn’t have changed a thing but I love you, please remember that.

Byron (I think) showing me that he drowned and that he is sorry for the way it happened, but I am ok. He loved the water and he gives me the feeling that he was surfing or hanging out with friends when this happened. No one could have warned me but I am ok and happy, just remember that and he is thanking you for the tattoo. He is telling me he is with Joey!

Lynn/Lynette (maybe with one t) your parents are with you and they keep telling me that you have a picture of them with you in your bag, and you have been chatting away to them all day. We love you and remember that you are not alone and that we are with you. Be happy. Then they just showed me that you could be moving??? Tell her we love what she is doing… but remember to have fun doing it! Love you honey.

Barbara – She is laughing and such a character, she is happy and loved, and she was showing me that there was a connection to breast cancer in the family or it is what she had. She is laughing about the amount of shoes and bags you have, and she is smiling because she was the same. I would never go out of the house without the lipstick and also I hated spiders, which is not a good thing in this country, it was quite entertaining sometimes. Anyway darlings tell your mom I am fine and that I love you all dearly. I will be there for you all. Big kiss and leaves a kiss mark! Waves.

Michelle – I’m her sister and she doesn’t expect me to come through at all, she has been waiting and waiting for this but it hasn’t happened she even saw john Edward. She laughs. Tell her I am ok and that I am fine and that she really shouldn’t worry about me and tell her to buy the car!!! I love you and you’re never too old to follow your dreams.

Colin – Lung infection, they didn’t know what it was, they thought it was just a simple cold but then suddenly it went further and there was nothing that could be done. I am ok and I had a sneeking feeling that it was going to happen but I am fine and I love you all. I love the tattoo that was done but the colors were wrong you keep talking about getting it fixed… Be happy and know that I am waiting!

Mary – Arthur is with me too and I am fine and happy, we are dancing and finally together. Please don’t loose the ring again there are only so many places you can look. She laughs. I am fine and you bought the wrong tea bags… Thanks for giving me the flowers I am happy about those. I love you and stay strong!

Josephine – I’m her sister, I had breast cancer, I passed closely to others in the family and it was a tough time you joked about having an account at the funeral directors. But listen we are all fine and there was nothing you could do for me, it was my time and I am happy about this. It’s not a problem. Get rid of my clothes too, it’s not worth hanging on to them. Love you and smile!!!

Tell Terry to cheer up. I am fine!!! He has been moping around the house and not doing a thing but you have to get moving. I know I only passed a short while ago but I am fine. I know there wasn’t anything left, you tried to find most things but there wasn’t anything I could do it all happened so fast. I love you and you did the right thing with my send off. Ok!! Big hugs and the dog is with me too.

Young girl – Cassey – Wants me to get a message to the family. Tell them I am ok and there is nothing to worry about and that I am healthy again. She was apologizing for ‘bugging’ me. There wasn’t anything that mom could do and she is thanking you for the poem. She loves the fairies and angels. I am with them now. I love you.  Kissed me to say thanks!


April 2012

Karen - I would like to say hello to my little girl, thats her, Karen. She is such a darling and looked after me at every opportunity. I know that she looks for the signs that I am around and she wants to know that I am with her and I am. It's been a while since I saw her but I always am in her dreams. Be happy and tell her I am okay. I love you.

Hayley - I would like to say hello to my family who are here. They are going to be so happy about that. I want her to know that it's me that you carry with you and I love that you do. I know I passed suddenly and there was nothing that could be done and actually you feel guilty but there is no reason. Stay happy for me… okay! Love you.

Pauline - I'm her mom and she has had a hard time believing this but I told her that I would come through and mention butterflies, and also that I would be here for her. I have to say Apples as a code also… Pauline you are very loved and wanted in so many ways, and she is showing me that your health worries you and think too much into things but everything is going to be just okay… be well and stay strong.

Johnny. Uncle who wants to say hi to his family and friends, drowning situation and it was hard for everyone but please know that they did everything that they could and thank you.

Young boy coming through but showing me that he was an organ donor and it was something that he wanted and he asked for this to happen. He is showing me that his heart is being used. Thanks his family for making his wish come true. I love you all and please be happy for me as I am happy for you.

Martha. I’m the grandmother of Maria and I know it's been long time but I am never far away for you. Please know that you will be safe and happy and be strong in your life. Challenges come and go but family will always be there for you.

Graham - that is my son and I want him to know that I will always love him and he has been there for me so much. I want him to know I am proud of him and how he has looked after how mother, can you tell him to keep up the good work.

Susan - Your mother is coming through and letting me know that she loves you very much. You were always someone that she could rely on and you looked after her so much and she looked after you too. I felt as though you lived close. She is giving me a daughter for you and telling me that you were close. she is at peace now so be happy and live your life... I love you.

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