Messages from Spirit

At every event and show, I get messages before I go on stage and regularly during meditations, and during quiet moments while sitting at my piano or in bed I will get visitations from Spirit who wish to get their messages across to you.

So I have created a space to post these messages so that more people can get the connection to their loved ones.  

With love,

Lisa xx

Entries by Lisa Williams (19)


Montreal, April 26th, 2014

Carl - I’m his mother and I want to thank him for always being close to me and helping me before my transition.  It was hard for him and I know he feels alone but know I am always with you.
Marcus - My fiancé and my mother need to know that I am here and they need to stop arguing, it wasn’t anyones fault.  I couldn’t change.  No one needs to hurt there is enough hurt.  stay strong for the sake of my child.  I love you both more than you know. He remembers the tattoo… 
Danielle - I’m the grand mother and I want my children to know I was received into the heavens ok and I am with your papa and things are good.  I feel happy and alive, and much better.  I can walk again.  Don’t forget to tell everyone and I love the flowers.  In the afterlife I am free. 
Bridget - I am her mother Mary and I want her to know that she did all that she could but nothing that she could change.  I am sorry how she saw me, but I am ok and well.  I love what she is doing know, she is my beautiful girl.  Tell her I will always be there for her and tell her to sleep well my angel child. 



Brossard - April 27th, 2014

Thomas Henry - Eric is here and I just want to tell him I love him.  he is a wonderful boy and I never had the privilege to get to know him, but I know he is just amazing as I am with him all the time.  Can you tell him that from me and save the message for me for when he is old enough to read.  I love you my darling and thank you for being the light in my life. 
Martin - I passed in a car accident and I was driving  I fell into the water and I drown.  It was tragic but I am ok.  My mother wants to know where I am, and I am with her all the time with her, smiling as she talks to me.  Please believe that I am around you.  The photo you changed it lovely thank you. 
Sonja - That is my mother and I want her to know that I arrived safely in the afterlife and that was is little that could be done.  I do not hurt.  I am happy and I love you and are always watching over you.  Never fear as I will always try to show you I am with you.  And you did the right thing, I support everything you did. 
Anna Marie - My wonderful wife, can you let her know I love her very much and I will support her no matter what, and that she should always try to find happiness in her life.  I cannot express my love for you, so I will show you in words of the song that I sang for you.  Be happy my gorgeous love.  I will be forever waiting. 



Laval, QC - April 25th, 2014

Franscoise - Your mother would like to congratulate you on your success and she wants to thank you for taking care of the estate (finances) and that she is grateful for all that you have done. 
Robert - Michael is stepping forward and saying that he is sorry and that you have done so well since he has gone.  He likes the change of the color (blue) of the living room and he tells you that he wants you to move on and that you will love again. 
Helen - Princess.  I would like her to know that I am wonderful and happy on the other side.  I have no more pain and that you can sleep well now.  I will join you in your dreams.  Don’t worry I’m always with you.  I love you. 
Michelle - Antoinette can you share with them that I had cancer and that I am sorry I couldn’t speak at the end, my head hurt too much.  I will be with you always and I am with the angels.  I am sorry about the house, but things will be fine, I am looking over you always. 



Morristown - April 23rd, 2014

Mark - I passed in a car accident and my mothers birthday just passed.  Can you let her know I am thinking of her and with her every day and that I love the roses she cut just for me,  Thank you. 
Joseph - I’m the dad and I want to mention pat/paddy.  Tell them that the garden isn’t growing so well you had a bad winter but the lawn will be better next year.  Don’t worry about the money either, I’ll try and send you some but don’t walk over the pennies… PICK THEM UP! 
Nathalie - Hi my name is john and I’m her husband can you tell her how sorry I am, I didn’t low what was happening and that I am ok now.  I love you with all my heart and I am thankful for every day we had together.  I love you. 
Ophelia - I just want to say that I am well and that my ring is being worn and thank you it means a great deal.  Be good and remember I am always watching over you.  Never change either… People don’t like change.  I’m watching!




Stacey/Tracey - Sadly there was a rape and a suicide… this caused the family a great deal of distress and harm.  I'm sorry but I couldn't cope and I want you to know that I love you all very much.  There wasn't anything I could do.  I know that some people blame me but there is more to it.  My family always support me and thank you.  I love you all from the bottom of my soul. I'm ok and happy. 

Martin - Your father is coming forward and his is a fine gentleman and a good man.  Can you let your mother know I am here and I will not leave her.  She has been worried.  Also I am very proud of you son and you have become someone who is admirable and loyal and these are great qualities in a man… I'm very happy for you. 

Bente - Your parents are stepping forward and want you to know that they are ok and are together.  They are giving you sea shells and saying its' something that you would be able to relate too.  Your dream is coming true and be happy, and know that we are always with you and your sister. 

Ann - Margaret I had cancer and I want her to know that I am with her and smiling down in her always.  She has been seeing me for a while and she needs to know it's me and she should talk to me.  I love her and she has always been my rock for me.  Keep standing strong. Justice will be served. 

Lars - Your uncle is coming through and showing me that you never got chance to say good bye, but it was an emotional ending for you.  Can you share my love with your mother and I'm not far away… you hear me knocking! Give my family all my love I will be with you some day.