Hey you... get outta my head!
(Posted Monday, July 2, 2012)
Finding the motivation and inspiration can be sometimes really hard when someone or something has hurt you. You can sit and dwell in your own negativity but most of all your own thoughts. These thoughts can wash around in your mind and you can start to create your own cynarios up in your head and before you know you it, you have blown everything out of proportion.
I know that you are sitting there and agreeing with it, but how many of us realize when it's happening? It takes a great deal of strength to actually realize when it's happening but not only that to pull ourselves away from it, and say "HEY… crazy thought… get outta my head!" haha
But we have to… we have to do this to come back to the true soul that we are… the true essence of who we are. I've had to master this… well I wouldn't say master it, but I have had to work on this over the last few months. My own thoughts can really come in to play and I would wind myself up. But now… I stop and look and then take a calm breath and if something up sets me then I don't react… I will wait until 'Veronica' (the crazy woman that has these crazy thoughts) stops her chatter and then Lisa steps in and rationalizes it.
Even though I've had to do it, I've actually see the way that some people who haven't been able to do it, they roller coaster with their emotions, going from one extreme to another, and never wanting to stop the pain and only seeing what they want to believe rather than stepping back, taking a breath and seeing and realizing the truth and maybe realizing that they are completely wrong and actually over reacting. These over reactions can lead to hurtful comments and then actions are taken accordingly. It's just drama… and we have enough drama in the world without creating any more.
So sometimes we just have to stop… not react and breathe. So if that means that you have to ignore that text message that has come in and pushed all your buttons and they are now lighting up all over the place, then you have to ignore. If that means that you don't open an email that you know is going to have an impact on you, then you don't… you wait until you are ready. If that means that you have to wait to make the call, until you are in the right frame of mind then you wait.
It can be annoying to you and maybe the other person too, but it's the way that sometimes we have to deal with tough situations.
Have you ever realized that the word Listen has the same words as Silence? When you give yourself silence to still your crazy Veronica moment, you will be able to listen to the truth, and you will be able to feel the love and then you can react from that place rather than the crazy person that we can become when our thoughts get the better of us.
It's not been easy for me to do, but I am getting better at it… in fact I think I'm pretty good now… I don't text unless I want too, I don't email unless I want too, I don't talk unless I want too… yes it maybe selfish but it's actually a good thing because I don't over react, I think things through carefully and go from there.
So when you find that you are having a moment in your head and living in your thoughts that are jumping around and someone is pushing all your buttons and they are flashing too… STOP! Get off the merry go round and STOP… breathe, take a walk, ignore the text allow yourself to be present and you will find that you don't have to say certain things, and that the hurtful words don't have to come out, it can all come from a place of love… and isn't that what we are all wanting… We are all wanting to be loved… We are all wanting to be safe!
So think about it, STOP, BREATHE and RELAX… it can help with so much.
Have a beautiful week xxx
Reader Comments (1)
So very true. Lisa. Sometimes we are on this emotional rollar coaster ride and we continue to feed the craziness. We are so caught up in the hurt and the drama that we forget to think of ourselves first and what's best for us. Ignore the text, email and the phone call. You need to connect when you feel that you can handle it and handle it with grace. I also struggle with this as well. I'm learning to avoid things that are going to cause me pain. So if that means not reading that email or answering that call, that's what I have to do.You need to love yourself and put yourself first darling. xxx