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Human Experiences

(Posted DateWednesday, June 27, 2012)

Whoa what a week… it's crazy!!! This time last week I was heading to the UK for a a pit stop to celebrate my birthday with friends and family and then heading off to Spain for some filming.  I lay in bed on Friday and everything and I mean EVERYTHING had caught up with me, and I just cried and cried… I wasn't feeling well either and I ached, even my skin ached.  I knew it was tiredness but of course when you are tired everything else come on top of you.  So it all came flooding out… which was good… it's good to cry and I do frequently. 

Crying is such a release, I cried tonight in fact, and every time I cry, Charlie looks at me and comes to hug me, and asks if I'm ok… I tell him, yes, I just need to cry.  He has started to do the same, he will cry also.  We had a moment when he went to bed the other night and he felt there was a Spirit in his room and I told him it was his great grandparents and his eyes welled up and he had a moment… it was great, because he released the emotion. 

We can hold onto so much 'stuff'.  Stuff that we don't need, stuff that we don't want… and it doesn't serve us.  I know that, and I have held on to stuff for so long.   I have been working with a therapist and previously with a life coach and both have helped me see that I have held on to so much and they have helped me release it… releasing is so powerful.  I remember doing a meditation at an event and it was about releasing your issues and really connecting with your soul.  As I walked around probably 80% of the people were crying… letting go of their issues.  It was amazing to see.  I love that. 

We all need to do it, and I have found that being alone has helped and yes there are moments that I have struggled and boy have I struggled, but there are also moments where I have loved being alone and honoring who I am and what I believe in.  Then when friends come along, they have also helped me see the light and the pathway, that actually isn't as dark as I had anticipated.  I have reconnected with a few people and those people, never really left my life they just took a back seat and were watching from the side lines, waiting in the wings, so to speak.  They came back with love and support and for me that was everything.  I needed to know that I was loved. 

When you are doing this work, it can be such a lonely road, it always has, but thankfully I have always had my friends around me to support me.  Even when I was seven and my friend Sam supported me, she may have joked about it, but she was the one that supported me through it… and she is also there for me now.  I spent some valuable time with her recently when I went to the UK… it was just gorgeous to be with her, and seeing the love that she and her husband and kids have… I loved seeing it, knowing that that love was possible in so many ways. 

Even though I communicate with spirit, it's not always easy to see your own spirits, but since I have been back I shared my bed with three people (in spirit BTW) My grandparents and my friend Elaine… they came to visit me on the night I arrived home.  Spirit will always lead me on the direction that I need to be on… I know that I am to educate others, whether that is to teach about Mediumship or Psychic practices or to tell people about what happens when we die… but I know that I am here to educate. I love it.  So I am teaching so much more and actually teaching an Advanced Psychic Course in a few months where I will be bringing those psychics that are certified by me, to Soul Connections. 

So it's been an incredible journey and a journey of love and embracing my self… I have discovered so much… so much about myself, what I like and what I love… I don't think there is much I don't like and if I do, I have changed that… It's about embracing who we are, what we are and the journey that we are on.  I have had to embrace it all.  

And I embrace the fact that I love my work, I love how I love, and who I love… I love my family and friends and I honor those experiences that have moulded me into who I am now… 

You have to remember that.  Honor everything because if it wasn't for certain experiences in life you would not be where you are now on the pathway that you are walking down and learning the lessons that you are supposed to learn… it's not always easy but it's an amazing journey so enjoy it.  My therapist called them human experiences… and we all have them.  We may not like them but they are there for us to learn. 

I have also had some moments recently that I am going to discuss on my radio show, and July sees the month of Spiritual Discrimination.  I am going to push the boundary and really get into topics that people shy away from.  There have been instances that I have seen discrimination from 'Spiritual' people and we are going to be talking about that… I think it's time to really open up and share things.  So tune in on Wednesday at 3pm (PST) to hear more about my story and other peoples who are leading spiritual lives but have been discriminated against!! 

Love to you all and remember to love yourself and others around you, and know that you are always loved from Spirit but find love within your own heart for yourself

Much love


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Reader Comments (1)

Crying is a much needed release so don't ever feel less than for doing it. Continue to express yourself because it will help you heal faster. Society sets a certain standards about Birthdays, Valetnine's Day and New Year's Eve. We must be celebrating with a significant romantic other or...somehow it's a sad scene:-) and we do buy in to it. You are a special woman Lisa, and the world celebrates you. The day you were born was an occasion in it's self because you were born to teach, heal and touch others with your kindness and compassion. One only has to see you smile and feel a hug from you to know that you are blessed with magic. Take care of yourself during these challenging times. Continue to be grateful for what you have so you will be given more. You are worth loving and are stroger than you know. xxx

August 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSummerland Soul

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