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Start being good to yourself!

Since being on the Alaskan cruise, which by the way was amazing, life has been crazy, but would you expect anything less… actually I was at dinner with my friend Julie who I worked with at Lifetime and I joked and said, my whole life is a reality show, and you don't need to script it… haha and we both laughed…. but actually it's true.  But I believe that everyones life can be like that, whether you want the simple life or not, there is always something that will 'upset the apple cart' as they say.

However it's finding balance and that balance has to come from within you.  We can find the calmness and not over react to situations in such an easy way but the thing is, is that we don't try to do it.  We wind our selves up and we find excuses… oh the excuses… they are there and they get bigger and better all the time.  And who are we trying to convince… our friends? Our family? Our lovers? Our partners… no we are trying to convince ourselves… thats all… because if those people had your best interests at heart then they would let you be yourself… so actually you are trying to convince yourself.

You find excuses not to meditate… I fall asleep, I can't focus, I can't still my mind.  Well actually we can all do it and we do it ALL the time without realizing.  Meditation is actually great for us, it calms us and helps us focus and stay connected to who we are.  I always know when I need to meditate more because I start to get into my thoughts and wind myself up.  I over react and I get anxious.  It's not worth it.  Its actually good for you.  20 minutes a day… we can all find that!

Another way is exercise… and OMG I am the 'QUEEN' of excuses for that… trust me no one will beat me with those excuses, but actually our body needs movement.  We have to move to get the energy flow through our physical body even if your movement is restricted.  You have to do what you can to make sure that you are taking care of the vessel that we house our soul in.  Because if the body isn't right and functioning your mind is not able to focus as it's consumed with other things such as joint pain and other things that are physical.  So 20 minutes is something that we can all do… we can find the time to walk, exercise, move the body, swing the arms… even if it's when you are doing other things around the house.  And of course diet is also in here… I am the worst person in the world for diet but when you consciously make an effort you will be surprised how quickly you feel well and good.

And finally the soul… we have to look after ourselves.  It was only last night that a friend of mine said to me that I had to be my one girlfriend… I had to love myself like a partner would and that involved going to bed at a decent hour and being good to me.  And she was right… I do… because I am the only one who can do it. No one else is going to do it, but you have to do it for you.  Doing what is right for you is so important.  Whether your friends want you too or not is a different matter you have to make sure that you do things for you.  That fulfill your soul. Be true to yourself.

These are all things for a healthy life, because it all works in harmony, the mind, body and soul and they all look after each other, so when one isn't functioning the others work in overdrive to make sure that you are ok.  So it's important to take the time for you.

I have recently had nutritionists, trainers, yoga instructors all come at me at once… seriously it's like the universe is saying… 'hey, come on it's time'… but trust me the excuses are there… hahaha but I am surrendering and allowing it to be.  I am allowing people to help me and teach me… it's amazing.  

So find the balance to help yourself… I don't always, in fact as many of you know I hate going to bed, I don't like cooking and I do meditate, which I love but think about it… my body is saying hey… give me a break and so the universe stepped in.

It's time to find the healthy balance and realize that you have to take charge of you, no one else is going to do it for you, you have to be responsible for your words, your actions, you have to be responsible for YOU!
So start to commit to yourself and know what you want and need.

My fitness routine starts tomorrow, and I know I often say that tomorrow never comes, but actually it's coming fast and while I can find all the excuses… I'm not going too… it's time to surrender and begin!

Sending you lots of love

Lisa xx

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Reader Comments (26)

Dear Lisa,
Your words always touch me, and God bless the beautiful person that you are... You are such a genuinue person to share yourself with everyone, this is the quality that drove me to follow you and to be so blessed to be touched by you .
Such deep emotions always stir deep inside when I think of how you changed and truly saved my life...
We all face at times in our lives a need for balance within the mind, body and soul. May each day your endeavors be met with a sense of well being and acomplishment. And remember there is no race to a finish, when you make these changes and find the balances that are right for you they will make you feel good and instead of it being something new that you will be starting it will become a routine that fits and feels good for you.
I am sending lots of love your way, I sure hope you feel it in your heart..

September 15, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry Truono

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