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Start being good to yourself!

Since being on the Alaskan cruise, which by the way was amazing, life has been crazy, but would you expect anything less… actually I was at dinner with my friend Julie who I worked with at Lifetime and I joked and said, my whole life is a reality show, and you don't need to script it… haha and we both laughed…. but actually it's true.  But I believe that everyones life can be like that, whether you want the simple life or not, there is always something that will 'upset the apple cart' as they say.

However it's finding balance and that balance has to come from within you.  We can find the calmness and not over react to situations in such an easy way but the thing is, is that we don't try to do it.  We wind our selves up and we find excuses… oh the excuses… they are there and they get bigger and better all the time.  And who are we trying to convince… our friends? Our family? Our lovers? Our partners… no we are trying to convince ourselves… thats all… because if those people had your best interests at heart then they would let you be yourself… so actually you are trying to convince yourself.

You find excuses not to meditate… I fall asleep, I can't focus, I can't still my mind.  Well actually we can all do it and we do it ALL the time without realizing.  Meditation is actually great for us, it calms us and helps us focus and stay connected to who we are.  I always know when I need to meditate more because I start to get into my thoughts and wind myself up.  I over react and I get anxious.  It's not worth it.  Its actually good for you.  20 minutes a day… we can all find that!

Another way is exercise… and OMG I am the 'QUEEN' of excuses for that… trust me no one will beat me with those excuses, but actually our body needs movement.  We have to move to get the energy flow through our physical body even if your movement is restricted.  You have to do what you can to make sure that you are taking care of the vessel that we house our soul in.  Because if the body isn't right and functioning your mind is not able to focus as it's consumed with other things such as joint pain and other things that are physical.  So 20 minutes is something that we can all do… we can find the time to walk, exercise, move the body, swing the arms… even if it's when you are doing other things around the house.  And of course diet is also in here… I am the worst person in the world for diet but when you consciously make an effort you will be surprised how quickly you feel well and good.

And finally the soul… we have to look after ourselves.  It was only last night that a friend of mine said to me that I had to be my one girlfriend… I had to love myself like a partner would and that involved going to bed at a decent hour and being good to me.  And she was right… I do… because I am the only one who can do it. No one else is going to do it, but you have to do it for you.  Doing what is right for you is so important.  Whether your friends want you too or not is a different matter you have to make sure that you do things for you.  That fulfill your soul. Be true to yourself.

These are all things for a healthy life, because it all works in harmony, the mind, body and soul and they all look after each other, so when one isn't functioning the others work in overdrive to make sure that you are ok.  So it's important to take the time for you.

I have recently had nutritionists, trainers, yoga instructors all come at me at once… seriously it's like the universe is saying… 'hey, come on it's time'… but trust me the excuses are there… hahaha but I am surrendering and allowing it to be.  I am allowing people to help me and teach me… it's amazing.  

So find the balance to help yourself… I don't always, in fact as many of you know I hate going to bed, I don't like cooking and I do meditate, which I love but think about it… my body is saying hey… give me a break and so the universe stepped in.

It's time to find the healthy balance and realize that you have to take charge of you, no one else is going to do it for you, you have to be responsible for your words, your actions, you have to be responsible for YOU!
So start to commit to yourself and know what you want and need.

My fitness routine starts tomorrow, and I know I often say that tomorrow never comes, but actually it's coming fast and while I can find all the excuses… I'm not going too… it's time to surrender and begin!

Sending you lots of love

Lisa xx

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Reader Comments (26)

Honey, there must be something in the air! Since my birthday I have been much better about my diet and I've even started going on the Wiifit to do my yoga for at least 20mins a morning. My back doesn't hurt any more and I feel so much better. It's never easy to make changes but it feels so good when we manage it! I've even started wearing heels and have bought myself lots of new clothes (I had birthday money!) cause I had a wake up call a while back and realised how far I had let my appearance slip (because I couldn't justify buying myself new clothes) it's amazing how something so simple can make you feel 100% better! Big smiles and lots of love my angel! I'm going for my hair cut now and I will be meditating in the chair (if I don't get the barrage of mindless conversation!). Love you xx

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKate

Lisa - was saying the SAME thing about diet and exercise for tommorow ! I think I may have more excuses than you , at the end of the day - who am I kidding? Why am I always failing at something that will only make me feel good inside and out ?
I'm in Australia, so my tomorrow starts after yours :-)
But you are motivating me to just do it...
thank you xx

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatrina

Hi Lisa

hihihihihihi... did i write this blog? :) Good luck and keep on going! I'm sooooooooooo lazy and I try it for a couple of days and give up! Horrible!
But you are right, and so i should also try start lookin after myself and love myself, but i can^'t start tomorrwo, i have to do it today, otherwise, it will alsways be tomorrow! :)

Thanks lisa!
Big hug from switzerland!

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterEllen

Hi Lisa . I had to start walking a month ago. To heavy for my body with all my kilos. Now i do 20 min in the morning an 10 min 2 more times in the day (mostly for the dog ) But my breath is better so by xmas i hope i can say i lost some kilos to :) Good luck to you.

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkarin olsen , sweden

Hi Lisa,
It could have been me writing that post. I've realized I need to start taking care of myself. The last 7 years my mom was living with us and I was taking care of her. She died back at the end of October and I realized that I really do need to start looking out for myself, and not listening to other peoples issues or opinions. They all seem to have an opinion on what I'm doing or not doing and give it to me whether I ask for it or not. I really am going to start going to the gym today and walking on the treadmill for at least 1/2 an hour along with riding the stationary bike. Start small and build from there.
Good luck to everyone on their journey.

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTania

Hi Lisa,
The only thing i exercise is my brain, i just sit about most days just thinking, i feel like i am going mad. It takes me all my time to take the dog for a walk, yet once i am out i feel good. I have had loads on my mind lately, and i don't know what direction to take. I have been feeling a bit low lately, and i know they say excercise is good for you if you feel down, so maybe i will take your advice, if only i could clear my mind, but it is hard. Take care Lisa. Love Jem. XXX

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJem liddell

I spent my entire life dieting and succeeding in nothing but getting fatter for it. Now, as I accept more every day that who I am and what I look like now are perfectly okay (regardless of what society says), I find it much easier to make wise food choices and find enjoyable ways of moving my body. I had to choose to stop punishing myself and accept that my health doesn't necessarily have anything to do with my appearance! Now I have two rules only: 1) Eat colorful food as often as possible and 2) move around every day. Beyond that, my body will take care of itself. My appearance may never change, but that's okay. It's all about my soul, which is worthy of the care I put into its casing. ;-)

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDarci

Hey Lisa!
I love youre shows. I recentley saw youre show from Oslo on tv. I was amazed.
I have been on a journey with my body, soul and thoughts for a long time now. It isnt easy to find the balance.
Im going to learn to meditate now and something is telling me to begin with yoga. I have had so many people who have talked aobut it to me, and emailed me and even called me on the phone..has to be a sign dont you think?
I will follow youre blog... already love it :-)

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterHeidi P

Timely, thank you so much. Your so right about excuses not to do something when I know I should. I need to get off my proverbial bum and love myself, take care of me for a change. It seems I respect everyone more then myself.

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTaylor

Hi Lisa,
Beautiful!! You have gone through some extremely hard times, and you so need to give back to you! Taking care of yourself, honors the gift of life we were all given! It is easy to slack off, but we cannot be hard on ourselves about it; just forgive ourselves, pick up and start over! Also, laugh a lot and enjoy friends and family; the endorphins will make you be filled with energy, and help you stay healthy. I have wasted too many days doing no exercise lately; and it makes me feel terrible. I used to be so lively. But, I will get back on it!!
Yes, your blogs and life experiences enhance and inspire our own lives! When someone we admire, and care about, is doing well, we want to emulate what they do. You are a delight and a blessing! It is an honor to share in your experiences; thank you for being so open and frank; it is one of your many excellent traits!
Hugs and love,

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCheryl Petrovich

Dearest Lisa, you are so right. We must take time to find the balance in our lives. So true about the comment about "you must be your own gf". lol When I'm in a relationship I am thoughtful, attentaive and loving. The nurturer in me wants to take care of my gf; cook for her, advise, her and love and support her in every way with whatever need she has. If only I took as good care of me? After a breakup it seems the last thing we want to do is take care of ourselves as if we are not worthy. It's about completely loving ourselves.....all of the time.I'm learning that too. You sound much better Lisa. I hope you continue to heal and allow your light to be bright once again. You are worth loving so you must feel it and believe it. live light....xxx

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSummerland Soul

Bless you for stepping up and taking action. Reading your blog was like reading my mind. I can totally relate to it all. For me, I even had to leave my job's environment to begin that journey. I'm still working on the diet and exercise part. You are right about the excuses, but I think it is because I have not associated them with a beneficial outcome, only boredom and being uncomfortable. How did that switch get flipped. When both are actually beneficial for me, I need to learn to rethink it. I used to cook, but don't find much pleasure in it now, I express creativity in other ways. Of course I enjoy food, that's apparent. I've tried different activities for exercise but really wasn't gung ho on anything. I do love Tai Chi, and have been wanting to get back into it. It bridges spirituality and my physical body together for a joint workout, two birds for the price of one. I applaud you for your efforts, and reading your blog has inspired me to take better care of my vessel. I've been eating more organic foods, as my body doesn't like GMO grain products any more. Clean fruits and veggies are also on my list now too. Its all about you doing for you, that will be better than anyone else can do for you. You are the example, you set the bar, you will succeed!
Love and Light,

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeepster

One way that I have fun exercising is to load an Ipod with fun dance music( stuff I used to dance the night away with , songs that bring back good memories of a fabulous time) and put it on and WALK in time to the music, swing the arms , feel the good feelings again. Before you know it, the workout will be done, you will feel wonderful and you won't feel like exercise is such a CHORE! I especially love 80's club music, and New Wave. I go online to WLIR (which was a popular Long Island radio station during the 80's ) which streams alternative music from today, as well as classic heart pumping dance music, like "You spin me round like a record," White wedding" . On the website , you can purchase the song to load onto an IPod, as well.
Don't need the Food Police , either. If you want to lose a few, fine . Everything in moderation, if it is too tough to do that (I have trouble with "moderation" ,) there is always something like Weight Watchers Online. No meetings, can do it online. And if not that, then limit refined food, try to eat more food that remembers where it came from . Never say " I can't have that . " Keep your power - " I may have that later(or may not)"
I always find that Dr. Wayne Dyer inspires me. Sometimes I listen to him on my IPod as well while walking.
You are a lovely vessel with a beautiful soul.

August 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCindy


so good ;)

me to i saw a partitioner énergy&nuttrition so important..



August 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSly from Paris

Wow, you just touched on everything I've been listening to just recently- almost cosmically connected to the same source and being available to learn at the same time. Thank you for reading my mind and sharing what many of us are learning right along with you!

August 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaura, Arizona

xoxox We LOVE that you are loving YOU! MomMom & MonkeyToo

August 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterQ.Who

Lots of loving energy to you as you start your fitness regime! Remember to give your body time to adjust to the changes. You're inspiring me to get out and walk more; so much of my life lately has been at a desk writing or negotiating or dealing with other people's problems, So off my arse I get!

August 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDeb in San Diego

I am your big fan Lisa, from Hungary I observe your program. With big respect, kisses Ibolya

August 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIbolya

i'm sorry I do not speak in English, translator I write mechanically. Ibolya

August 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterIbolya

I am so proud of you Lisa.You have come along way.My thoughts are always with you.

August 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLeanne Australia


So glad you are taking steps to care for yourself. If we don't do it for ourselves, who will eh?

Lots of love and hugs to you sweet girl!!! Stay strong ... stay in the eye of the storm where all is calm!!!


August 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDreamSpirit

Please share what steps you are taking to become healthier-we would love to know!

August 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

So glad you are feeling better Lisa. You are such a kind, and loving person, beautiful on the inside and out. When people look at you they would never guess that you had a care in the world. Your blogs show them we all have struggles, no one is immune. I have had the pleasure of meeting you twice. Once in Rockford,Il when my husband brought. me to your show, and then again in St. Louis. You just keep being you, just the way you are. You make us feel like your friends. Love you ! "Chick"

Hey Lisa....OMG! I am sooo hearing you on all levels thanks for the reminder as I have been ignoring the pains and the signs that my body are giving me. Let's all take this journey together to live a happier and healthier life....my temple needs some serious loving and care! Love you darling, enjoy and hugs to you and yours xox Angelique ....PS Am off for a beach walk and a good LW mediataion down the beach later x

September 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngelique

When i read again the end of your post, "know what you want and need..".actually this is a big deal for me, that's why i'm gonna see a popular medium in france friday afternoon, because it's easier to me speak french, but do you propose a mediumship by phone? in privacy ? (thanks for your answer)
You know if i listen my heart, "my soul", i come in USA for live.
But in life we have to have feet on the ground, and the head on the stars..
In reality changing life in 1,2 or 6 months it's crazy, it's an amazing challenge !
So i'm alone, no girlfriend, so free :) , but except that, it's rebuild everything.
That's why i'm afraid, not necessary about me, just about my guides, perhaps they are not ok, for many reason, perhaps it's not time, an i have to be in france for the next 2 or 3 years..
Because the said it's should be a lost time to be in USA
or can i be 6moths a year in USA, and the latest in France?

Sometimes, ok, we have to take decision,action/reaction but for a lot of things we need reflexion and particularly for changing about residence.

You take the decision to do sport, so nice, but yet, the motivation, the energy to go and practice for a result, like me id'like to do musculation a little "body building", but dietetic it's so important and i'm vegetarian ! lol
I think that the body have a programming, like a gold box, that we have to clean and re-programming, the author inna Segal speak about that, and others.

in conclusion THE MENTAL, and FEATH something ESSENTIAL

good luck for your plan it's gonna be a new revelation for you and us

with LOVE


September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSly from Paris

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