Welcome to my World

For the last five years I have used this space to write about my thoughts and feelings.  I have purged and opened my heart, often not knowing what my real emotions were until I started to write.  

I used my blog as a type of journal, and I became an open book.  I didn't realize how sharing my journey through life helped people, until I started to get comments and emails telling me how my blogs have changed their life, and that what I was going through was everything that they were going through. 

How I handled situations gave people a different outlook in life.  So I have continued to blog and write about my experiences, good and bad, in an effort to continue to help you. 

So with that... My name is Lisa Williams and Welcome to my world!

Entries by Lisa Williams (25)


The final days

Well the final days of my cleanse are here... I leave tomorrow. I am so happy about that but sad in a way. I'm happy because I've been away FAR too long and miss my friends and family, but sad because this journey has been powerful and I've been able to escape into a world where no one knew me and my issues, no one wanted to give advise about anything but a healthy lifestyle and no one gossiped... There was no expectation except for the expectation i had for myself.

I hit the mat almost daily and I've laughed and cried during many yoga poses. I've discovered I have an internal focus like nothing before and I know my strengths and discovered my weaknesses are also my strengths I just have to look at it in a different perspective.

My book is close to being done, but I have another book looming and is ready to be prepared...

I've meditated and channelled incredible messages that will be shared with the world eventually which were enlightening and mind blowing. And I know my pathway, which is clearer than ever before.

I formed some strong friendships with complete strangers from all over the world who had an impact in my life. I'm so blessed to call them friends. We giggled until I almost pee'd my pants, we discussed things that only you should discuss with your colon doctor (tmi), and dreamt about food constantly. We supported each other when we needed it, we walked in silence with each other when we needed the space but felt safe knowing someone was there, we meditated together and fell out of our yoga poses together. These are memories that will stay ingrained in my mind forever.

Like I said its been a powerful journey of self discovery and I have discovered I'm juicy to Mosquitos!! 46 bites and counting!

We've had no power on the island for the last few days it comes on twice a day for 2 hours and then goes off. It's hit and miss about when it's going to come on, so technology has died... No Internet and its amazing how you rely on it. The night has been spent reading by candlelight, and just being present. I can't text in case my battery dies, I haven't been on Facebook and I'm only writing my blog because I can email it in via the 3G signal.

Having these last few days in the darkness has helped me see the light. You look at yourself in a way that you never saw yourself before.

So it's my last day! And I get to eat tonight... Juice for breakfast and lunch and then real food! One of my friends has waited to break her detox with me... She's been here 31 days and looks AMAZING. So we are eating together tonight, and I was supposed to leave at 8am tomorrow but I got a later flight so I could have lunch at one of the worlds top raw food restaurants. Plus it shortens my stay in Singapore airport from 12 hours to 6!

But I'm grateful to my friends and family back home who encouraged and embraced my journey with me. You took a backseat when I asked them too, who stepped forward when I needed them especially over liver flushes when I was being a baby! My parents have been with Charlie and I couldn't have done it with out them. Charlie has been amazing asking me how I've been and has been sending me photos through so I can see what I'm missing. I'm grateful to my staff in the office who have had to hold the fort, deal with the drama and keep everything running smoothly like clockwork!

And finally thank you to New Leaf Detox and the staff, who have kept our spirits up, laughed with us, held our hands, rubbed our back, bought us our coffee (don't ask!) made our delicious juices and soups, taught us the Thai culture and language, gave us our space, bought us our candles in the dark, talked us through our cleanse, gave us inspirational talks and even did our laundry!

So today is the day... Food! I know exactly what I'm going to have and I can't wait!

So like I said its been a journey that I have embraced and last time I was here Thailand had the same impact on me... And I'm walking away feeling the same as I did last time... At peace! Pieces of the jigsaw have slotted together and I know 2013 is going to be amazing!

So when you feel lost, or just need to find your journey, taking time out for you is important. Learn to meditate. Push through your mind running a million miles an hour, just relax and surrender and let go of any out come. If it doesn't come easy then it's not meant to be, allow your perspective to change, allow yourself to have peace of mind. It's only us that stops it. Let go of blame because you're equally as responsible. Just allow yourself to be. Have no expectations except for those that you have on yourself. And remember you are not responsible for someone else's feelings, only yours. As long as you are authentic and truthful then you are being you! Wow what a journey and it's not over yet!

One night in Sydney on Saturday then it's home!

Hugs and love

Lisa xx


Day Eight and Nine

Well the last few days have been just general… getting up at 6.15am, walks, yoga, juices, soups, massages… normal day in here. But today we went on the island tour and rode elephants and saw the waterfalls and of course Big buddha and I will post photos soon. 

However I have had a test of willpower, food… It was interesting how I coped and how strong you are if you are determined.  So I was with a friend who's actually eating… and we were walking the market, and she got hungry… Of course, it happens to me.  So we stopped in the food markets, and she got herself some veggie spring rolls… OMG the smell… yum, I only had to walk in there and it was sensory overload. Wow… all the smells of herbs and spices, the colors of the foods, everything was just amazing. I watched her eat, and even helped with the chilli sauce and got some on my finger, but I was not tempted to lick it off. 

People were sitting there with beer and cocktails and then I saw the glass of red wine… OMG, I shocked myself. I didn't even want that. WOW I sat and delighted in the smell of the spring roll.  Heaven. However the real test… Pancakes, banana and Nutella. That was something else.  I love that combo… I was worried… 

I had a smell and even then I wasn't even tempted.  I have gone this far that I don't have to do it.  I didn't want to break my detox, I would only be letting myself down and this is something that I can't do.  I have worked so hard for it. So I have the determination.  I am determined to finish this to the final day, and on Thursday night, I can eat. Yum yum. 

So thats the delights, I haven't broken the detox, but I am a tasty treat for the mosquitos… 24 bits so far… haha

Ok the soup awaits me… yum! 

3 more sleeps until I can eat… 

Hugs all xx