The Fun Stuff > Things that you want to know about Lisa (25 entries)
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I love Armani 'Elle' and also Vera Wang 'Princess'. They are my two favorites!
I am a huge Celine Dion Fan, but I think everyone knows that, however I do love Lady Antebellum at the moment, and Jessie J... I suppose I don't really have ...
Yes I do, actually my next book is on this very subject. It can be quite an intense relationship when you meet a soul mate, and it's either incredible or ...
Hahaha... yes there is a silly side to Lisa. I get to the venue early and I dance around and have fun on stage during the sound check. Its ...
I've never had a situation like that. There have been times where the person that they really wanted to connect with didn't come through and that was because they have ...
Actually I would love to get dual citizenship for Charlie, my son. So I have to stay in USA for 4 years and 9 months to be precise... hehe. However ...
I have met my soul mate on this earth plane. :)
I had my first experience when I was 4 years old. I didn't realize it was special and I really became aware of it in my late teens and early ...
Yes, I have. Actually it's happened several times where I have received messages for myself through other peoples readings. I love it!
My favorite color... hmmm I have two. I love Blue and Red. Depending on what mood I am in. I love to wear, Amethyst and Citrine. I ...
It's ALWAYS a rainy day... hehe I miss my friends, the food, the pubs and being able just to pop out for a drink with my family. I ...
I love Jodi Picoult books... she has to be my favorite author, but I am a huge Harry Potter fan and Twilight so they are my favorite series of books.
Actually I feel most peaceful at my piano and in my tiny recording studio. I LOVE music and it fills my soul. I can just lose myself for hours. ...
Of course I get readings... :) I love it. Actually I had a reading recently and I was told somethings that I suppose I didn't want to ...
Hmmmm... thats an interesting one. I would do something to do with music, singer, songwriter, musician or something like that... failing that a designer.
Hahaha... it's the most expensive ornament that I have ever bought... I love the harp and I want to learn to play it, but I just don't have the time to ...
I love both equally... I was a psychic before a Medium and actually I do more Mediumship readings so when I do do a Psychic reading I LOVE it!
Yes I have had situations like that, and I have helped them cross over. I have never had a reading that scares me, in fact quite the opposite. However ...
Hats work great, but actually my watch is also something that works and I love it... so they know that when it's on, I'm closed. But what is funny is ...
I have been asked this question so many times, and I am inspired by many people. I'm also my own inspiration. I surprise myself with what comes out sometimes. ...
Well that would be easy, that we would have peace in the world and it be a place of love
Actually I have been known too... in fact I did last night!! haha
Music... That has to be my biggest passion. I love it. I have a music room in my home, and it's where everyone gathers. I love to sing, ...
Hehehe... actually you are correct, but I have found recently that I have been cooking more and more. I wouldn't say that I can't cook, because I can, but I ...
No... I'm human. We have situations that get us down and trust me I have had my fair share of those but I do tend to look at things with ...