Well I have to share with your my experience in Stavanger last night, but not only that the whole Norwegian tour.
It's been amazing and such a lovely group of people who have been coming to the shows. I love being back in Norway and the country is just simply beautiful. While there is not much time to go out and explore, the travel between venues just wonderful because the scenery is so breathtaking.
I have been traveling most of the country by bus with my crew, and you become like a family. I am fortunate to have someone who is an amazing friend as my tour manager so that makes life so much easier.
It's been an emotional ride where I was upset by someone after a show while we were having a quiet drink in a small bar. Minding our own business someone came up to the table and asked who Lisa was, and since I was the only girl at the table it was obvious. And what started to be a pleasurable conversation turned.
Bible was quoted and my gift what questioned. I must admit I can quote the bible to anyone because I have had to deal with these types of people before, but I deal with it. I can guarantee that both parties are sinning according to the bible. It's ok… we all live life and we live it how we want to live it.
It had been a long time since I was upset about something like that, but I left crying. I think tiredness had hit but also the fact that that incident had upset everyones' evening not just mine. Ryan followed me and then David and they both made me see that my gift was special and that it's only one person out of many who felt that they needed to verbally attack me in that way.
I"m happy for someone to share their opinion with me, but to attack in the way that I was, that was not acceptable. Either way I have to let it go, and I have.
So I went to the show In Stavanger thinking, I'm just going to share my gift and not worry what people think… and what an amazing show!
Jib (my camera guy) and I came off stage just in awe of the way the people were. So much love in the room, and love for each other and their stories. Each one was totally moving and unique. Messages were shared and there were some incredible connections being made.
The last one really hit home and I don't cry often on stage but this story did… it was a young bit who passed with cancer. His mother was just desperate to connect with him. But what was interesting is that at the beginning of the messages I couldn't work out whether I needed to connect with a girl or boy and I mentioned leukemia and cancer. I found the boys mom and the girl in spirit with the leukemia supported and gave energy to him so he could connect with his mom. There was not a dry eye in the house…
But what happened afterwards was incredible. Drew (who opens the show and who was with the merchandise outside) started to talk to a family who wanted to give me a picture… and they are selling these pictures to raise money for the children's hospital and they wanted a picture for their Facebook page of them presenting it to me. Of course I agreed and they came backstage.
They told me that they knew the boy from the last reading who had cancer and he was in hospital with their daughter who passed with leukemia… thats when we realized that she was the spirit that was on stage giving energy to the young boy to connect with his mother. WOW
What an incredible connection. They shared the story and it was so moving.
The connections that happen in an evening of messages are amazing… I love them. I realize that all I do is surrender to spirit and allow the connections to happen. It's not about me, it's the gift that I am channeling.
It takes so much to put a show together, Jib who captures so beautifully the story that is unfolding on his camera. Drew who opens the show and talks about imagination, gets people thinking positively. Ryan who has worked for months making sure that everything is booked. David… well David is just David, my guy who I go to for everything, who makes sure everything runs smoothly, that I have everything I need and also makes an appearance on stage occasionally when my mic is having a problem. Tom who drives me around everywhere and is just such a lovable guy.
These are just some of the people, but then we have the people who work behind the scenes at Sony, Mills Entertainment and my incredible staff in my office. I am so blessed to have them.
But most of all the show is about the audience, if it wasn't for the love that shared then the show wouldn't be the way it is. It's about the connections and love and that love just brings the spirits through strong and in a way that I love.
So thank you for sharing your love.
Thank you for making my tour of Norway incredible!
With love
Lisa xx
PS… if you wish to buy one of these incredible pictures and raise money for the hospital then please go to Facebook.com/heartedhands or just 'like' the page…