Day Four
Monsoon Rain woke me up at 4.30am! Wow... it was powerful. It sounded amazing. I lay there and listened to the rain as it pounded on my little hut, wondering if I should get up and record it because it was incredible.
As I lay there I wondered what the day had in store for me, and then i realized it... OMG Liver Flush! I started to panic. I didn't want to do it. I wanted to stay in my bed and not move and just pretend today isn't happening. I also had emotions that were surfacing... and that was it... I picked up my phone.
A text, a lovely one (nothing bad)... but I started to blart... cry and cry and cry... again!!! haha
OMG is this what was going to happen today? I think I cried none stop for the next 3 hours... cleansing and healing. It was as powerful as the rain that was coming from the sky.
When I finally gathered myself together I wandered up to the social area to be greeted by a happy Robin who looked at me with a glint in his eye as if to say... 'Today is your lucky day!' Everyone just looked at me, I can never hide when I have been crying and I just said, 'yes I've been crying' and they all smiled, knowing what I was going through because they are all going through it as well.
You don't just detox your body, you detox everything... WOW!
So after visiting the nurse for my daily check up and falling down in the process on the wet floor, then yoga... I retreated to my room, to veg out... It's been a day of laziness and kinda getting in my head a little... but I suppose thats ok.
Finally it brightened up and I took a walk to the beach and then I discovered they were setting up for the Full moon party... Great, I was going to be cooped up in my room with my liver cleanse while there is a party going on outside my room, and there is...
Right this moment the full moon party is in full swing, with what sounds like bad karaoke being sang and fire crackers going off. Loud music and people... I can hear it from my room. Apparently its amazing to be part of but nope I can't leave my room... or lets say, I don't want to leave my room... haha
So I will imagine what is going on in the streets near Lamai beach in Koh Samui, while I cleanse my liver of all it's toxins and trying to find the mosquito that is having its juicy snack on me at night despite how much insect replent I put on.
So I have my last drink to take in half hour and then bed... but OMG you should hear the noise outside... I'm sure its much better when you are in it... but from here... the karaoke king needs to stop now! Wheres the ear plugs when you need them. Haha... fun times!
Oh and there go the fire crackers! Who needs sleep?
Lots of love
Lisa xx