Send it out to the universe
I've pondered on this blog post for a while and over this last week when I have been sick I had a moment when I just completely surrendered into what will be will be… and so I decided that this was going to be my topic.
I feel like I talk about it all the time, but even though I may do, I feel that we all need a little reminder of it. I talked about it in my last blog but I cannot stress it enough, that when you just release it, your journey will take you where you need to go, and with who you need to go with.
When you create space, in your mind and your heart and you don't fill your day it's amazing what you can discover within you. It's something that I have done so I know it, and I see it when it happens to others. Wow… it's so powerful when you stop.
We can wind ourselves up so much over the silliest thing and it can all get blown out of proportion and twisted, but when we sit in the quiet space and really look at the reality of life and our feelings we start to see what has happened and we start to feel our feelings and realize it wasn't a big deal after all. I was only having this conversation with a friend of mine tonight about meditation… and how it can really help you. She said that meditation has gotten her through some tough times and I agree… it's what I turn too, when I am struggling. I turn to journalling and meditation because you really can find the peace within you.
I know I have these visions and I hear a few people (I think that may mean I'm a psychic medium haha) but you can't hold onto them… I mean, yes I do because I trust in them, but I don't force them to happen right away… I surrender and let it be. I remember my grandmother telling me that I would be in USA and be famous and on stage doing her work… OMG if I had forced that, where would I be now… no where… you have to let things happen organically. If it's meant to be it will be.
When I give people psychic readings (which I love btw) I know many people wait for it to happen or force it to be the situation there and then… but it's not always the case. Sometimes you have to let things develop at their own pace. For instance, I have always seen myself living in a certain place, and I can tell you exactly how it looks… now when I go house hunting, of course I see if I can find that house, but when I can't does that stop me moving… no… because I have to, but it just means that I am not at the place in that vision and I am working towards it.
Now when I say things and I know that they are happening right there and then, I will say it… in fact I just was on the phone with a friend of mine in India and when I was in Thailand I told her all sorts of stuff, I just blurbed it all out, she had her note book and wrote it all down… and it happened exactly how I told her it would and in the time frame I said it would… even I was shocked… I told her this stuff would happen the moment that she left the island… and the night that she left the island, it all happened… CRAZY!!! But what I am saying is that it was in her destiny, her pathway, and what was meant to happen.
When you surrender to what is meant to happen and not force it… amazing things transpire and happen… there is an awakening within you, like a comfort to know that you are on the right pathway and that you are doing things in the right way, for you… You see, life is about you!!! No one else. No one is living your life, only you. People say to me, can you tell me what to do… and I say no, I can't… because I don't live your life, you have to make choices… but I will tell you what those choices are and help you with them.
So remember life is about you. You have to live life your way and do what is right for you, and healthy for you. But i will say this… treat everyone in the way that you would want to be treated. Speak to everyone in the way that you would want to be spoken too. Think about your actions before you take action. Show respect for those who love you but don't demand it back. Because when you show it, you will get it. When you give something you get it back… You cannot rely on anyone else to make you happy, YOU make you happy. Of course there will be moments when you will be happy with others, but ultimately that happiness is in your hands.
So just surrender and know what will be will be… I listened to this song earlier which also inspired me too and I want to share it with you.
Sending you love and remember 'Send it out to the universe' What will be will be!
Love Lisa xx
Samantha James - Send it out to the universe